| - ... The fishmen have attacked again. This time with a significant force and quite coordinated. I can't say I'm sad that their attack had cost the lives of Dregiz and Jurkoa. They have been consorts of Faltugios from the start and were causing more trouble than their research had helped us. Yet, the attack has proven we are in danger and I have called for reinforcements. Though the fish creatures were no match for our weapons and magic, our defence is too weak and we have too few capable fighters in the expedition team. Until the reinforcements arrive, I have to apply a more strict regime in the base. I can't allow my authority to be undermined. Our project is too important. After all, it is not some fancy research but the only hope for this world to survive. At least sort of. But I should not doubt our plan. This would only play in IT's hands for sure.
... The attacks of the fishmen continue. The more we kill, the more they seem to call from the depths of the sea for their next attack. This can't be a coincidence anymore. It has to be IT's work. Nothing else makes any sense. Faltugios suggested to capture the creatures to try to communicate with them to learn their motivation. But this can't be allowed. If they do IT's bidding, they might know too much and their knowledge might taint the researchers. Also, regardless of their reasons, we cannot give in anyway. The first specimens are growing and show promise. We can't allow to be distracted.
... The reinforcements still did not arrive. Actually, they were not even sent. I wonder what is happening in Yalahar. I heard about some quarrels in the circle and civil unrest. All foreigners are put under greater surveillance and the defences are strengthened against an attack that the circle can not specify to the masses. The tension in the city is growing and I fear that we might have to wait for reinforcements for quite a while. I have to issue stricter rules for the base, even if this will alienate some of the researchers even more. I'm sure the majority will understand that it is for the greater good.
... No reinforcements and the attacks become more and more frequent. The situation is far from desperate but our efforts are hampered so much that we have almost no progress. Distractions, distractions, always distractions. I hardly get any sleep with all this responsibility lying on my shoulders. Faltugios is a constant thorn in my side. All of his actions seem to aim at undermining my position. This can no longer be seen as a coincidence considering the things I know. He must be a, probably unknowing, pawn of IT. Regardless if he knows what he is doing or not, he is a threat that has to be eliminated for the best of all. It would be best if the fishmen got him.
... Finally word arrived that a small military force will be sent to assist us. We had another casualty in the fight against the fishmen. Not to mention the golems we have lost or those who were left running only with rudimentary functions. Most of us are great in wielding magic but none of us has any prior experience in battle. Still, our equipment and magic is ridiculously overpowering those primitives. I knew we were powerful compared to other races but I did not truly understand it until I saw the hordes of fishmen perish at our meagre defences. What could we have done for our world? But our days are numbered. Our existence will come to an end and with the great cleansing we will allow the world a new beginning. This is what IT fears and this is why IT throws us these hindrances in our way. IT has minions, I am sure of that now. Faltugios is but one of them. The fishmen are others. Who knows who is working for IT?