| - thumb|Člen druhu Miraluka. Miralukové jsou lidem blízká, k Síle citlivá rasa. Jejich jazykem je miralučtina, ačkoliv někteří, například Visas Marr a Temný Jedi Jerec, preferovali basic. Miralukové jsou díky své blízkosti k lidem schopni mít s nimi potomky, tito však byli ohroženi blíže nespecifikovanými problémy. Mezi lidi s miraluckou krví se počítala například Krynda Draay a její syn Lucien.
- The Miraluka were a sentient species of Force seers native to Katarr.
- The Miraluka were a Near-Human, Force-sensitive species.
- The Miraluka were a Near-Human, Force-sensitive species. Their language was Miralukese, although some, like Visas Marr and the Dark Jedi Jerec, preferred Basic.
- Los miraluka son una especie jugable para las clases de Caballero Jedi y Cónsul Jedi.
- Miraluka are a humanoid species born without eyes and with a strong connection to the Force. They are a playable species for the Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular classes.
- I miraluka erano umanoidi della specie di forza senistivi. Il loro linguaggio è il Miralukese, anche se alcuni, come Visas Marr e il Jedi Oscuro Jerec, preferiscono il Basic.
- Miraluka is a species of near humans of the Star Wars Universe. Their major distinction is the lack of physical eyes, balanced by an innate force sight power. Their adpoted homeworld is Alpheridies.
- The Miraluka were a humanoid species that differed from Humans in that they lacked eyes, only retaining vestigial eye sockets, and perceived the environment around them through Force sight instead of regular vision. This vision was so strong that if a Miraluka looked upon a Jedi or Sith, they could "see" Force radiating off them. The strength of a Miraluka's connection to the Force varied by individual. Miraluka, as Near-Humans, could interbreed with baseline humanity. Humans with Miraluka blood included Krynda and Lucien Draay. It was said that such mating would result in unknown difficulties for the offspring.
- They differed from Humans in that they lacked eyes, instead bearing only vestigial eye sockets, and perceived the environment around them through Force Sight instead of regular vision. This vision was so strong that if a Miraluka looked upon a Jedi or Sith they could "see" Force radiating off them. The strength of a Miraluka's connection to the Force varied by individual.
- Anyway, the Miraluka's near-legendary ability of Force sight made them feared and respected throughout the— *crash, bang, clang, tumble!* Sorry, just a second. Sir? That's the pantry closet. Yeah. The front door's around the bar and down the hall. Right, so as I was saying, the Miraluka possessed a Force sight that supposedly gave them the ability to see the "aura" of people; they could instantly tell if a person was a Jedi or a Sith just by looking. Well, anyway, I lost my train of thought, but I guess the point is, Visas Marr was kinda hot.
- Los miraluka eran una especie casi-humana sensible a la Fuerza. Su lenguaje era el miralukés, aunque algunos, como Jerec y Visas Marr, preferían el básico. Se diferenciaban de los humanos en que no tenían pupilas ni irises, teniendo sólo ojos blancos vestigiales (o en algunos casos, como Visas Marr, cuencas vacías), y percibían su entorno a través de la Fuerza en vez de una visión normal. Esta visión era tan fuerte que si un miraluka veía a un Jedi o Sith podía “ver” la radiación de la Fuerza que emitían. Por razones morales los miraluka ocultaban sus ojos usando cintas, máscaras o ropa similar que ocultara esa parte de su cabeza. Como una especie usuaria de la Fuerza, los miraluka a menudo se impresionaban si se les mostraba algún ser vivo que no estaba conectado a la Fuerza. Los miraluka
- [Source] Les Miralukas sont des humanoïdes originaire d'une planète inconnue. Il migrèrent de cette planète trop instable pour aller sur Alpheridies, sur cette planète, les Miralukas perdirent le sens de la vue du aux rayonnements infrarouges puissant. Ces rayonnements ont été causé par l'explosion de l'étoile autour de laquelle leur planète gravitait. Tous les Miralukas sont donc aveugles. Il est fort probable que leur planète natale reçue la visite d'une Tho Yor. En effet plusieurs miralukas faisaient parties de l'Ordre Je'daii en 25793 av.BY.
- Homeworld: Katarr Description: An alien race almost exactly the same in appearance as Humans, they differ in that they typically have no eyes and cannot see through the focusing of light- Miralukas typically hide their lack of eyes by wearing a headband, a mask, or similar concealing headwear, because they are much less common than Humans, and it is easier to travel if they are seen as being of the dominant species; thus the common confusion as to who is or isn't a Miraluka. Miralukas see through the Force, as they are a Force sentient race; they are often quite shocked if shown life not connected to the Force, like the Jedi Exile. A colony world of the Miraluka world on the outer rim named Katarr was stripped of all life by a Sith Lord named Darth Nihilus approximately 3,950 years BBY, du
- The Miraluka were Near-Human a, Force Sensitve species. Their language was Miralukese, although some, like Jerec and Visas Marr, preferred Basic. They differed from Humans in that they lacked pupils or irises, instead bearing only vestigial white orbs (or in some cases, such as Visas Marr, empty sockets), and perceived the environment around them through the Force instead of regular vision. This vision was so strong that if a Miralukan looked upon a Jedi or Sith they could "see" the Force radiation off them. For moral reasons, Miraluka hid the appearance of their eyes by wearing a headband, a mask, or similar concealing headwear. As a Force-using species, Miraluka were often quite shocked if shown life not connected to the Force. The Miraluka that lived on Katarr were strong enough that ev