The Jeremy Kyle Show is an American daytime television tabloid talk show presented by Jeremy Kyle that debuted in the United States and Canada on September 19, 2011 and ended on September 13, 2013. The series is based on Kyle's successful British talk series of the same name, which has been broadcasting on the UK's ITV and subsequently repeats shown on ITV2 since July 4, 2005. The series is taped in New York, which allows Kyle to commute to Manchester to undertake contiguous taping of the British production atGranada Studios. The program is a co-production of ITV Studios' U.S. subsidiary, ITV Studios America and Debmar-Mercury, which serves as distributor for the U.S. version while ITV keeps all international rights.
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| - The Jeremy Kyle Show (U.S. TV series)
| - The Jeremy Kyle Show is an American daytime television tabloid talk show presented by Jeremy Kyle that debuted in the United States and Canada on September 19, 2011 and ended on September 13, 2013. The series is based on Kyle's successful British talk series of the same name, which has been broadcasting on the UK's ITV and subsequently repeats shown on ITV2 since July 4, 2005. The series is taped in New York, which allows Kyle to commute to Manchester to undertake contiguous taping of the British production atGranada Studios. The program is a co-production of ITV Studios' U.S. subsidiary, ITV Studios America and Debmar-Mercury, which serves as distributor for the U.S. version while ITV keeps all international rights.
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| - The Jeremy Kyle Show is an American daytime television tabloid talk show presented by Jeremy Kyle that debuted in the United States and Canada on September 19, 2011 and ended on September 13, 2013. The series is based on Kyle's successful British talk series of the same name, which has been broadcasting on the UK's ITV and subsequently repeats shown on ITV2 since July 4, 2005. The series is taped in New York, which allows Kyle to commute to Manchester to undertake contiguous taping of the British production atGranada Studios. The program is a co-production of ITV Studios' U.S. subsidiary, ITV Studios America and Debmar-Mercury, which serves as distributor for the U.S. version while ITV keeps all international rights.