| - Bear in the Big Blue House was an American children's television series created by Mitchell Kriegman and produced by Jim Henson Television for Disney Channel's Playhouse Disney preschool television block. Debuting on October 20, 1997, it aired its last episodes in 2006. In 2006, this show was replaced by a Mickey Mouse show called Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. In 2004, the Jim Henson Company sold the Bear in the Big Blue House franchise (along with The Muppets franchise) to the Walt Disney Company. The characters and show are currently owned by the Disney subsidiary, the Muppets Studio.
- Bear in the Big Blue House is a TV series that ran for four seasons, from 1997 to 2003. The show was developed by Mitchell Kriegman with The Jim Henson Company for Disney Channel. Eight additional fourth season episodes were broadcast in April 2006, after The Walt Disney Company's acquisition of the program.
- thumb|210px|Logo de la serie. Bear in the Big Blue House (El Oso de la Casa Azul en España) es una serie de Playhouse Disney que se centra en un oso y su gran casa azul. La serie se emitió por primera vez el 20 de octubre de 1997 en Estados Unidos. En 2004, The Jim Henson Company vendió Bear in the Big Blue House de la franquicia de The Walt Disney Company. Los personajes que se muestran son actualmente propiedad y operados por la franquicia de Disney, The Muppets Studio.
- The show involves a Bear who is in charge of his house and go by his orders, with two twin otters, a rodent mouse, a lemur that throws acorns at people's heads, and Bear's daughter, Ojo. How Bear knew these creatures were never explained in the show either, but it is suggested that Bear has a gang rivaling the Elmo Gang.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Bear in the Big Blue House/preload editintro=Bear in the Big Blue House/editintro width=25 Bear in the Big Blue House is an American children’s puppetry television series created by Mitchell Kriegman and produced by Jim Henson Television for Disney Channel’s Playhouse Disney preschool television block. Debuting on October 20, 1997, it ran until 2003. Eight additional episodes were produced to make a 5th season and ran in 2006. The final episode aired on April 28, 2006.
- Bear in the Big Blue House is aimed at teaching lessons to preschool and early school-age children. In each episode, Bear explores learning concepts such as feelings, the alphabet, nature, science and more with the kids of the Big Blue House and/or out in Woodland Valley. Throughout the majority of its run, the program was seen daily on Disney. Currently, it is broadcast only on weekend mornings in the United States, but can be seen a more regular basis in some other markets.