| - Cyrus Gold remembers his life. His father moved to Gotham City, and, hoping to start a self-fulfilling prophecy, changed the family name to "Gold". But his father died penniless, and whatever charity was left in Cyrus Gold died with him. He became a ruthless money-lender, with no care for his neighbours... who was lynched by a mob when an unsolved case came to light.
After that, Cyrus Gold remembers other lives: first, the life of Solomon Grundy, a criminal thug who fought the Justice Society and killed Skyman, before dying in the light; second, the life of "Solly", a misunderstood gentle giant, who worked with a boy who wielded the light before dying of it; third, the life of Mister Grundy, a criminal mastermind who sided with dark geniuses, only to die beneath the light of an alien sun.
With this, Cyrus Gold emerges from Slaughter Swamp. For the first time, he has reanimated as himself, not Solomon Grundy. Wandering the streets of Gotham for the first time in almost a century, his heartlessness remains undiminished, and he has a run-in with the law. His past as an immortal supervillain makes him cocky, leading to multiple gunshot wounds. This causes him to turn into Solomon Grundy and escape. Desperate, Grundy eeeks shelter in a storm drain, but is ambushed by Killer Croc. The clash between the two monsters only ends when Grundy breaks Croc's jaw, and promptly turns back into Cyrus Gold.
At a cemetery which houses his tombstone, Gold is puzzled about his transformations, but is immediately found by Green Lantern and the Phantom Stranger. It seems the nature of Solomon Grundy is changing, and Green Lantern has been drafted to help him turn his curse to the greater good. Although Green Lantern is hesitant to help, Phantom Stranger insists: there is a night of pure darkness coming, and it would be best if Solomon Grundy was not around when it happens...