| - IndoPaganism is an umbrella-term which describes the path followed by an ever-increasing number of NeoPagans, who derive the majority of their spiritual inspiration from the Hinduism and other Indo-origin spiritual paths, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. The term can also be extended to those of a Hindu or Indo-tradition background who choose to incorporate elements of NeoPaganism into their practice. Just as there are many major sects within Hinduism & Buddhism- Shaivism, Vaisnavaism, Shaktism; Theravada, Mahayana, Tibetan- with countless sub-sects, and schools of philosophy and practice within each of them, so IndoPaganism has room for numerous variations and interpretations of the syncretic blending of NeoPaganism and Indic-spiritual paths. NeoPagans coming from various Western backgrounds, such as Gardnerian Wicca, Asatru and Odinism, Ceremonial Magick, eclectic Wicca, Neo-Druidism, etc, feel a undeniable need or calling to intuitively blend the tradition of their choice with Hinduism &/or Buddhism. This results in such permutations as Gardnerian Shaivism, Wiccan Shaktism, Tibetan Buddhist Pagans, etc, although the adherents themselves may not name their paths thusly, or may adopt a path name that they discover that resonates with them.