| - Red Gyarados was caught by Lt. Surge after the battle against the Masked Man. His submarine inadvertently broke it free from the frozen Lake of Rage, whereupon Lt. Surge was forced to capture it. However, he returned the Pokémon back to Silver.
- Lt. Surge's Magneton are primarily used to serve as an electric platform for travelling long distances. This ability can also trap and protect people within it. Lt. Surge owns numerous Magneton.
- Lt. Surge's Magnemite serve as Pokémon guards aboard the S.S. Anne, patrolling the corridors. Lt. Surge owns numerous Magnemite.
- Zapdos was temporarily under Lt. Surge's control, using it to face off against Red. However, once Lt. Surge was defeated, it was returned to the wild, before being captured by Green.
- Raichu appeared in the fights against the Masked Man at Mahogany Town and the Lake of Rage's Red Gyarados. However, in both conflicts, Raichu was only used briefly, leaving its full potential unknown.
- Raikou was also temporarily used by Lt. Surge, mostly against the Masked Man in Johto. However, when Lt. Surge was defeated, it teamed up with Gold. After the conflict with the Masked Man was resolved, Raikou returned to the wild. Later, Salon Maiden Anabel catches it during a trip to Johto, using it in the Battle Frontier.
- Electabuzz is Lt. Surge's trump card, and it shows its strength when confronted by Red's Poliwhirl on the S.S. Anne. It was able to gain the upperhand relatively easy, before Poliwhirl evolved into Poliwrath. It also played a major role in fighting against Bruno of the Elite Four, but was not able to injure his Pokémon.