The Akaali were a pre-industrial humanoid civilization that the Enterprise NX-01 encountered in 2151, inhabiting a Minshara class homeworld. They had anterior crests on either side of the forehead. Despite their primitive technological level, their forensic methods were apparently rather impressive, T'Pol and Phlox both expressing admiration for the work of an apothecary owner. Another race, known as the Malurians, were exploiting their planet without their knowledge. The use of tetracyanate 622 caused many of the Akaali to suffer from a serious disease, causing lesions on their faces, before the Malurians were driven off the planet by Enterprise.
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- Akaali
| - Die Akaali sind eine humanoide Spezies, die im Jahr 2151 noch eine vorindustrielle Kultur hat. Siehe hierzu: --> Die Akaali auf MEMORY ALPHA
- right|thumb|200px|Akaali Raza humanoide, descubierta por el Enterprise (NX-01)] en el año 2151 en su mundo hogar, habitado por 500 millones de personas. En esa fecha estaban aún en un grado de civilización pre-industrial, pero como curioso contraste encontraron en el continente norte indicios del funcionamiento de un reactor de antimateria, con lo que descubrieron que otra raza, los malurianos, habían llegado antes al planeta.
- Kategorie:Memory Alpha pahýly thumb|180px|Akaali Akaali je domovská planeta civilizace Akaalové. Roku 2151 Enterprise (NX-01) tuto planetu navštívila (ENT: "Civilization").
- Förindustriell civilisation på en M-klassplanet i alfakvadranten. Enterprise NX-01 besöker denna planet år 2151 och möter där apotekaren Riann som förstår att de är från en annan planet. En annan art, malurianerna exploaterade deras planet utan deras vetskap, vilket orsakade svåra sjukdomar bland akaalierna. (ENT: Civilization) Kategori:Arter i alfakvadranten
- Les Akaalis étaient une civilisation pré-industrielle habitant une planète de classe M.
- Riann era un membro di questa specie. (ENT: "Una questione di civiltà")
- Een ander ras, bekend als de Malurianen, exploiteerden de planeet zonder dat de Akaali dat wisten. Het gebruik van Tetracyanate 622 zorgde ervoor dat veel Akaali gingen lijden aan een serieuze ziekte. Riann was een Akaali. (ENT: "Civilization") Categorie:Rassen
- thumb|Riann, eine weibliche Akaali Die Akaali sind eine sehr menschenähnliche Spezies, die zur Zeit des Erstkontakts 2151 noch eine vorindustrielle Kultur hat. Captain Archer stellt einen inoffiziellen Kontakt mit dem Planeten her. Aufgrund der Gefahr einen Einfluss auf die natürliche Entwicklung der Akaali zu nehmen, muss der Kontakt sehr eingegrenzt werden. Die einzige Person, die von der Enterprise (NX-01) und ihrer Crew weiß, ist eine Apothekerin mit dem Namen Riann. Durch Feuergefechte in den Straßen einer Stadt mit malurianischen Verbrechern, wird deren Anwesenheit allerdings auch anderen Akaali bewusst. Die Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung der Akaali ist nicht bekannt. Seit 2151 stehen die Akaali unter dem Schutz der Vulkanier.
- The Akaali were a pre-industrial humanoid civilization that the Enterprise NX-01 encountered in 2151, inhabiting a Minshara class homeworld. They had anterior crests on either side of the forehead. Despite their primitive technological level, their forensic methods were apparently rather impressive, T'Pol and Phlox both expressing admiration for the work of an apothecary owner. Another race, known as the Malurians, were exploiting their planet without their knowledge. The use of tetracyanate 622 caused many of the Akaali to suffer from a serious disease, causing lesions on their faces, before the Malurians were driven off the planet by Enterprise.
- The Akaali are a humanoid civilization native to a world in the Beta Quadrant's Akaali system. (ST reference: Star Charts) Physically they are quite similar to humans, with the exception of a pair of vertical ridges along their heads near the forehead right above both eyebrows. Despite being primitive in their technology level, their forensic methods were apparently impressive.
- The Akaali were a pre-industrial humanoid civilization that Enterprise NX-01 encountered in 2151, inhabiting a Minshara class homeworld. They had anterior crests on either side of the forehead. By 2151, the Akaali population was around 500 million, living in dozens of cities on all continents with as many languages. They travelled their oceans by clipper ships and lighted their cities with residic oil lamps. In a city visited by an Enterprise away team all inhabitants were required to carry identification papers. Despite their relatively primitive technological level, T'Pol and Phlox both expressed admiration for the forensic work of an apothecary.
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| - Riann, een vrouwelijke Akaali
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| - Die Akaali sind eine humanoide Spezies, die im Jahr 2151 noch eine vorindustrielle Kultur hat. Siehe hierzu: --> Die Akaali auf MEMORY ALPHA
- right|thumb|200px|Akaali Raza humanoide, descubierta por el Enterprise (NX-01)] en el año 2151 en su mundo hogar, habitado por 500 millones de personas. En esa fecha estaban aún en un grado de civilización pre-industrial, pero como curioso contraste encontraron en el continente norte indicios del funcionamiento de un reactor de antimateria, con lo que descubrieron que otra raza, los malurianos, habían llegado antes al planeta.
- The Akaali were a pre-industrial humanoid civilization that Enterprise NX-01 encountered in 2151, inhabiting a Minshara class homeworld. They had anterior crests on either side of the forehead. By 2151, the Akaali population was around 500 million, living in dozens of cities on all continents with as many languages. They travelled their oceans by clipper ships and lighted their cities with residic oil lamps. In a city visited by an Enterprise away team all inhabitants were required to carry identification papers. Despite their relatively primitive technological level, T'Pol and Phlox both expressed admiration for the forensic work of an apothecary. In Akaali mythology, Draylan was the ruler of the afterworld. They also consumed a form of tea. Another race, known as the Malurians, were clandestinely exploiting their planet for veridium. The use of tetracyanate 622 in this process caused many Akaali to suffer from a serious disease, causing lesions on their faces, before the Malurians were driven off the planet by Enterprise. (ENT: "Civilization") The script of "Civilization" describes the Akaali as "humanoids with small ridges on their faces, and minor skin colorations." Also, another scene description in that script refers to the Akaali as the first civilization encountered by Enterprise. In a scene that was scripted for the end of ENT: "Home" (and included in the ENT Season 4 Blu-ray) but never filmed, the Akaali are similarly said to have been the first pre-warp civilization discovered by Enterprise. They were intended to be referred to as such by Captain Archer.
- Kategorie:Memory Alpha pahýly thumb|180px|Akaali Akaali je domovská planeta civilizace Akaalové. Roku 2151 Enterprise (NX-01) tuto planetu navštívila (ENT: "Civilization").
- thumb|Riann, eine weibliche Akaali Die Akaali sind eine sehr menschenähnliche Spezies, die zur Zeit des Erstkontakts 2151 noch eine vorindustrielle Kultur hat. Captain Archer stellt einen inoffiziellen Kontakt mit dem Planeten her. Aufgrund der Gefahr einen Einfluss auf die natürliche Entwicklung der Akaali zu nehmen, muss der Kontakt sehr eingegrenzt werden. Die einzige Person, die von der Enterprise (NX-01) und ihrer Crew weiß, ist eine Apothekerin mit dem Namen Riann. Durch Feuergefechte in den Straßen einer Stadt mit malurianischen Verbrechern, wird deren Anwesenheit allerdings auch anderen Akaali bewusst. Die Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung der Akaali ist nicht bekannt. Seit 2151 stehen die Akaali unter dem Schutz der Vulkanier. Die Malurianer bauen heimlich Veridium auf dem Planeten ab. Dabei verwenden sie Tetrazyanat 622 als Schmiermittel für die Bohrausrüstung, das bei vielen Akaali in der näheren Umgebung eine Krankheit auslöst. (ENT: )
- The Akaali are a humanoid civilization native to a world in the Beta Quadrant's Akaali system. (ST reference: Star Charts) Physically they are quite similar to humans, with the exception of a pair of vertical ridges along their heads near the forehead right above both eyebrows. Despite being primitive in their technology level, their forensic methods were apparently impressive. By 2151 the Akaali had reached a pre-industrial level of development. Sometime prior to that year, a Malurian team visited the planet and began a secret veridium mining operation, which made the Akaali ill. The Enterprise arrived in orbit in July of 2151, and detected an antimatter reactor, which a people who did not even have indoor plumbing should not have. With the assistance of the Akaali Riann, Captain Jonathan Archer put an end to the Malurian mining activities. The Enterprise notified the Vulcan High Command in the event that the Malurians tried to return. (ENT episode: "Civilization")
- The Akaali were a pre-industrial humanoid civilization that the Enterprise NX-01 encountered in 2151, inhabiting a Minshara class homeworld. They had anterior crests on either side of the forehead. Despite their primitive technological level, their forensic methods were apparently rather impressive, T'Pol and Phlox both expressing admiration for the work of an apothecary owner. Another race, known as the Malurians, were exploiting their planet without their knowledge. The use of tetracyanate 622 caused many of the Akaali to suffer from a serious disease, causing lesions on their faces, before the Malurians were driven off the planet by Enterprise. Riaan was a member of this species. (ENT: "Civilization")
- Förindustriell civilisation på en M-klassplanet i alfakvadranten. Enterprise NX-01 besöker denna planet år 2151 och möter där apotekaren Riann som förstår att de är från en annan planet. En annan art, malurianerna exploaterade deras planet utan deras vetskap, vilket orsakade svåra sjukdomar bland akaalierna. (ENT: Civilization) Kategori:Arter i alfakvadranten
- Les Akaalis étaient une civilisation pré-industrielle habitant une planète de classe M.
- Riann era un membro di questa specie. (ENT: "Una questione di civiltà")
- Een ander ras, bekend als de Malurianen, exploiteerden de planeet zonder dat de Akaali dat wisten. Het gebruik van Tetracyanate 622 zorgde ervoor dat veel Akaali gingen lijden aan een serieuze ziekte. Riann was een Akaali. (ENT: "Civilization") Categorie:Rassen
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