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- Nanotech
- Nanotech
- Nanotech
- Nanotech
| - Die Captain Nachtstern Rüstung verwendete Nanomiten, um einen großen Prozentsatz des genommenen Schadens zu reduzieren.
- Nanotech are required in the following blueprints:
- Nanotech var med i alle spillene i Ratchet & Clank-serien. Det kunne brukes til å helbrede, ved hjelp av nanomites.
- Nanotech är en teknologi som utvecklats av Tau'ri och var i bruk ungefär två år efter förstörelsen av Ori. Pistolen CADS Mk 4 är lastad med Nanotech Universal Recovery System" dispenser som kommer att läka alla Stargate Command aktörer i området (Stargate Resistance)kategori:Tau'ri teknologi Image:Kawoosh.JPG Denna artikel om en teknologi är en stub. Du kan hjälpa Sv.Stargate Wiki med utöka de.
- Captain Blackstar's Blackstar Armor used biostatic Nanomites to absorb a large percentage of damage received.
- nano repair and improvement should be based on two values:
* the core arrangement
* the best ever functioning arrangement Being able to make small random to semi-random changes based on and around these two fields will allow systems to quickly reach and exceed goals.
- Le Nanotech représente la santé dans la série Ratchet & Clank. Ratchet est donc partiellement constitué de ce Nanotech qui lui sert de vie et est représenté par une barre ou des symboles se situant en haut de l'écran. Si cette barre de vie est vide alors le Lombax meurt sur le coup. Il s'agit en fait de nanorobots (des robots microscopiques) qui soignent les blessures de l'intérieur et remplacent le sang perdu (ou plus précisément les globules). Ces robots ont été créés par Gadgetron, puis améliorés par MégaCorp.
- The tiny machines are injected into the patient to perform treatment on a cellular level, following pre-programed sets of parameters. Assiting in the mending of skin and bone tissue, removing cancerous growths or breaking down unwanted fats and chemicals are just a few of the tasks these machines can be programed for. Once the task is done, the machines shut down and are expelled from the body as waste The tiny machines are injected into the patient to perform treatment on a cellular level, following pre-programed sets of parameters. Assiting in the mending of skin and bone tissue, removing cancerous growths or breaking down unwanted fats and chemicals are just a few of the tasks these machines can be programed for. Once the task is done, the machines shut down and are expelled from the bo
- The little machines that make life a lot better, Nanotech is the most prevalent technology of the 25th century. Nanotech, by definition, are tiny machines that measure no more than 100 nanometers in total length that can be programmed to preform specialized tasks, including engineering maintenance, simple surgery, commercial production and even warfare.
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| - The tiny machines are injected into the patient to perform treatment on a cellular level, following pre-programed sets of parameters. Assiting in the mending of skin and bone tissue, removing cancerous growths or breaking down unwanted fats and chemicals are just a few of the tasks these machines can be programed for. Once the task is done, the machines shut down and are expelled from the body as waste The tiny machines are injected into the patient to perform treatment on a cellular level, following pre-programed sets of parameters. Assiting in the mending of skin and bone tissue, removing cancerous growths or breaking down unwanted fats and chemicals are just a few of the tasks these machines can be programed for. Once the task is done, the machines shut down and are expelled from the body as waste. Some experimental nanites have been programed to remain in a patient's body to continue assisting in healing injuries as well as increasing longevity. The long-term side effects of this procedure are unknown but increased strain on the cardiovascular system as well as autoimmune disorders have been ypothesized.Nanites are only found in top level UAC medical facilities, and even then they are rationed out in very small doses. The nanites have to be programed for each specific task and thus extensive tests must be performed to determine the exact cause of the ailment before nanite treatment may begin. There is a considerable amount of trade on the black market for any nanite technology. Pre-programed nanites are prefered to blank ones, as most facilities outside the UAC lack the capability of programing the microscopic machines themselves. So called Fat Faders, Scar-B-Gones and Bonesetters are the most common nanites illegaly available, but it is possible to find some that can put cancerous growths in remission and cure some blood-born diseases, but the cost for these life saving medicines are almost astronomical.
- Die Captain Nachtstern Rüstung verwendete Nanomiten, um einen großen Prozentsatz des genommenen Schadens zu reduzieren.
- Nanotech are required in the following blueprints:
- Nanotech var med i alle spillene i Ratchet & Clank-serien. Det kunne brukes til å helbrede, ved hjelp av nanomites.
- Nanotech är en teknologi som utvecklats av Tau'ri och var i bruk ungefär två år efter förstörelsen av Ori. Pistolen CADS Mk 4 är lastad med Nanotech Universal Recovery System" dispenser som kommer att läka alla Stargate Command aktörer i området (Stargate Resistance)kategori:Tau'ri teknologi Image:Kawoosh.JPG Denna artikel om en teknologi är en stub. Du kan hjälpa Sv.Stargate Wiki med utöka de.
- Captain Blackstar's Blackstar Armor used biostatic Nanomites to absorb a large percentage of damage received.
- nano repair and improvement should be based on two values:
* the core arrangement
* the best ever functioning arrangement Being able to make small random to semi-random changes based on and around these two fields will allow systems to quickly reach and exceed goals.
- Le Nanotech représente la santé dans la série Ratchet & Clank. Ratchet est donc partiellement constitué de ce Nanotech qui lui sert de vie et est représenté par une barre ou des symboles se situant en haut de l'écran. Si cette barre de vie est vide alors le Lombax meurt sur le coup. Il s'agit en fait de nanorobots (des robots microscopiques) qui soignent les blessures de l'intérieur et remplacent le sang perdu (ou plus précisément les globules). Ces robots ont été créés par Gadgetron, puis améliorés par MégaCorp. Il est possible d'en récupérer en cassant essentiellement des caisses de nanotech qui se trouvent sur n'importe quelle planète. Si l'on éliminait suffisamment d'ennemis et remplissait en même temps la barre d'XP au maximum, alors la barre de vie de Ratchet pouvait augmenter jusqu'à atteindre ses limites.
- The little machines that make life a lot better, Nanotech is the most prevalent technology of the 25th century. Nanotech, by definition, are tiny machines that measure no more than 100 nanometers in total length that can be programmed to preform specialized tasks, including engineering maintenance, simple surgery, commercial production and even warfare. Most commercially available forms of nanotech range from disinfectant and decontamination bots found in cleaning fluids, medical nanotech that can repair simple traumas when swabbed on with their handy, pre-moistened towelette, engineering nanotech that can reassemble metals and polymers, patching holes and repairing wear and corrosion and even multipurpose hygiene nanotech, which does everything from whitening your teeth, freshening your breath and killing embarrassing body odors.