Mantax was one of the six Barraki, warlords that were the former leaders of the League of the Six Kingdoms. He was freed from the Pit by the Order of Mata Nui in exchange for fighting against the Brotherhood of Makuta.
Mantax was one of the six Barraki, warlords that were the former leaders of the League of the Six Kingdoms. He was freed from the Pit by the Order of Mata Nui in exchange for fighting against the Brotherhood of Makuta.
Mantax ist Mitglied der Barraki und der Liga der sechs Königreiche.
Mantax is a Barraki in BFTMOL.
Mantax is similar to a manta ray.
Mantax was a Shasalvian warlord and former member of the League of Six Kingdoms.
Mantax to skryty i nieufny Barraki i były członek Ligi Sześciu Królestw.
Mantax was a barraki and used to work as an elf for Santa Claus. He was later probated with the rest of the barraki. He then ate too many chips, cakes and cheeseburgers and became VERY fat. He then decided to become a sumo-wrestler. Unfortunatly, this career ended when he became too fat for the other sumos to get into the arena.
Mantax es un reservado y desconfiado señor de la guerra Barraki, y un antiguo miembro de la Liga de los Seis Reinos.
Mantax was a former ruler of the League of the Six Kingdoms. He occupied the center of the Matoran Universe.