| - Sonic Erotica was a mid to late nineties contemporary rock/ambient musical ensemble in the Tampa Bay Area of Florida which consisted of military and musical veterans, Brian Stevenson (vocals) and Tony Orifici (guitar and vocals), along with Todd Smith (drums and vocals) and Mike Meengs (synthesizer and vocals). Mike Meengs is a former member of TexA.N.S. and Lvx Nova [1]. Sonic Erotica accumulated a following of approximately one thousand people from all walks of life. These fans or groupies were dubbed "SaturnAlien Groovenaughts" or simply "Groovenaughts". [2] Throughout 1995 thru 1997, Sonic Erotica played venues from the historic Ybor City[3] in Tampa to St. Armands Key[4] in Sarasota. The band released their debut CD called "One" in mid-1996 at the now defunct venue, "The Big Catch" in St. Petersburg, Florida which had moderate success throughout Florida and had gained radio airtime notoriety at Clear Channel Communication's 98.7 Rock (WXTB-FM) in the Tampa Bay Area. Songs like "Lament" [5], "Mirror Man", "Odyssey" and "Out There" [6] have proven to be strong favourites within the Groovenaught community who referred to Sonic Erotica as a "Psycho-Sensual Entity". In 2007, Brian Stevenson [7] recounted his experience in Sonic Erotica: "Sonic Erotica was my first BIG band. We passed huge obstacles and made quite a stand during our career together. These are some of my first musical brothers. The brunt of the music was written by Sonic a.k.a. Mike Meengs (Turtle Bend)[8], with guitars by Tony Orifici, and drummer Todd Smith. We were energetic, funky, and dripping wet with sex appeal. Oh to be young!" Brian Stevenson (aka: "Vociferation") is also a former lead vocalist for Florida Rock Band, "Moneyshot" link title and is now pursuing other projects including Ujiya [9] and Cross Avellaine [10]. For more information on Brian Stevenson (aka: "Vociferation"): [11] and [12]