| - In Peasant's Quest, you control a poor guy called Rather Dashing who just had his cottage burned down by a big dragon called Troggy. In order to pass by the stubborn idiotic guard who's in your way, you must dress in ratty old robes, put on a smelly troll-thing's belt, and set yourself on fire.
- Peasant's Quest is a 16th-century epic poem that describes events that supposedly happened in the kingdom of Peasantry in the early 16th century. Peasant's Quest is part of the Trogdor Cycle, a collection of manuscripts chronicling the life of Trogdor the Burninator. Peasant's Quest has been adapted into a videogame and a film, both of which are also titled Peasant's Quest.
- Peasant's Quest is a King's Quest parody game created by The Brothers Chaps, a spinoff of the Homestar Runner universe. A flash game with AGI-style graphics, the object of the game is to seek revenge on the infamous dragon Trogdor after your thatched roof cottage has been burninated (burned to the ground). The protagonist of the game is Rather Dashing, a peasant wearing short pants who resembles KQ3-era Gwydion, who can even possess a similar magic map. Other King's Quest references include lookalikes of the well and ogre (parodied as the Kerrek) from KQ1 and the inn from KQ2.
- Peasant's Quest is an Affectionate Parody of the King's Quest series by the Brothers Chaps. It involves a peasant with short pants named Rather Dashing who returned from vacation to see that his cottage had been burninated by Trogdor. Swearing revenge, he goes off on an adventure to be like a peasant and slay Trogdor on behalf of burninated peasants everywhere.
| - Peasant's Quest is an Affectionate Parody of the King's Quest series by the Brothers Chaps. It involves a peasant with short pants named Rather Dashing who returned from vacation to see that his cottage had been burninated by Trogdor. Swearing revenge, he goes off on an adventure to be like a peasant and slay Trogdor on behalf of burninated peasants everywhere.
* A Man Is Not a Virgin: Averted. It's easy to miss, but when you type in "jump in hay" at the right point of the game, the response message subtly calls Rather Dashing a virgin by responding, "You've not known much better than a roll in the hay alone."
* Animal Nemesis: Trogdor
* Awesome McCoolname: Rather Dashing
* Berserk Button: Offering to buy Kerrek a Cold One will cheese it off.
* Climbing the Cliffs of Insanity: Along the way to face Trogdor.
* Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Averted, but nonetheless you've gone farther than anyone else did and they raise a statue in your honor.
* Edible Bludgeon: Jhonka's club is likely a turkey leg
* Shoot the Shaggy Dog
* The Teetotaler: Kerrek, as Strong Bad found out the hard way.
* What the Hell, Player?: The game calls you out for a few things, such as attempting to harm Poor Gary the horse.
* Where Are They Now? Epilogue: After having the baby open a cottage with no doorknob for you, the dialogue explained where the baby went next in life, before you continue on with the game.
- In Peasant's Quest, you control a poor guy called Rather Dashing who just had his cottage burned down by a big dragon called Troggy. In order to pass by the stubborn idiotic guard who's in your way, you must dress in ratty old robes, put on a smelly troll-thing's belt, and set yourself on fire.
- Peasant's Quest is a 16th-century epic poem that describes events that supposedly happened in the kingdom of Peasantry in the early 16th century. Peasant's Quest is part of the Trogdor Cycle, a collection of manuscripts chronicling the life of Trogdor the Burninator. Peasant's Quest has been adapted into a videogame and a film, both of which are also titled Peasant's Quest.
- Peasant's Quest is a King's Quest parody game created by The Brothers Chaps, a spinoff of the Homestar Runner universe. A flash game with AGI-style graphics, the object of the game is to seek revenge on the infamous dragon Trogdor after your thatched roof cottage has been burninated (burned to the ground). The protagonist of the game is Rather Dashing, a peasant wearing short pants who resembles KQ3-era Gwydion, who can even possess a similar magic map. Other King's Quest references include lookalikes of the well and ogre (parodied as the Kerrek) from KQ1 and the inn from KQ2.