| - Big Buck Bunny (code-named Peach) is a short computer-animated film by the Blender Institute, part of the Blender Foundation. Like the foundation's previous film Elephants Dream, the film was made using Blender, a free software application for animation made by the same foundation. Click here to watch the ten minute film.
- Big Buck Bunny (code-named Peach) is a short computer animated film by the Blender Institute, part of the Blender Foundation. Like the foundation's previous film Elephants Dream, the film is made using free software. Work began in October 2007, the film was officially released in an April 10 2008 première in Amsterdam. while online movie downloads and files were released on May 30 2008.
| - Big Buck Bunny (code-named Peach) is a short computer animated film by the Blender Institute, part of the Blender Foundation. Like the foundation's previous film Elephants Dream, the film is made using free software. Work began in October 2007, the film was officially released in an April 10 2008 première in Amsterdam. while online movie downloads and files were released on May 30 2008. The plot follows a day of the life of Big Buck Bunny (also known as JC) when he meets 3 bullying rodents, Frank, Rinky and Gamera. The rodents amuse themselves by harassing helpless creatures of the forest by throwing fruits, nuts and rocks at them; they end up killing a butterfly, of which Bunny was fond, and then redirect their missiles against him. Outraged, Bunny then sets his gentle nature aside and proceeds to a payback. Following Elephants Dream, the short is the first project by the Blender Foundation to be created by the Blender Institute, a division of the foundation set up specifically to facilitate the creation of open content films and games. The film was funded by the Blender Foundation, donations from the Blender community, pre-sales of the film's DVD and commercial sponsorship. Both the final product and production data, including animation data, characters and textures are released under the Creative Commons Attribution License. It was rendered on Sun Microsystems' grid computing facility network.com.
- Big Buck Bunny (code-named Peach) is a short computer-animated film by the Blender Institute, part of the Blender Foundation. Like the foundation's previous film Elephants Dream, the film was made using Blender, a free software application for animation made by the same foundation. Click here to watch the ten minute film.