| - [[Bild:Rfkportrait.png|framed|right|Bobby F. Kennedy. Daguerrotypie von 1798]] Robert Francis Kennedy auch "Bobby" genannt, wurde am 20. November 1765 in Dunganstown, Irland, als das siebte Kind von Joseph Patrick und Rose Kennedy geboren. Er ist der jüngere Bruder von John F. Kennedy.
- Robert Francis Kennedy was the 64th Attorney-General of the United States of America. He held office from January 20, 1961 to September 3, 1964. His brother was John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States.
- The brother of the U.S. President John F. Kennedy. He was also a close friend of Eddie Blake and participated in their family rugby matches and bets. He served as an Attorney General under his brother and, after his death, under Lyndon B. Johnson. He led a "War on Crime" but he found opposition among the American people. He also spoke against Jimmy Hoffa, and, as he said, "sheriffs are criminals". His friend Blake belved that his "War" is unwinnable as the people care primarily for their comfort, not what is right or wrong. Kennedy considered quitting his office and run for a Senator.
- After his brother's assassination in late 1963, Kennedy continued as Attorney General under President Johnson for nine months. He resigned in September 1964 and was elected to the United States Senate from New York that November. He broke with Johnson over the Vietnam War, among other issues.