| - The Caramelldansen is an internet meme similar to the Caipirinha Dance, Paffendorf Dance and Pappara Dance. This is one of the most popular internet meme related to music and dancing, with the others are the Rick Roll and Caipirinha Dance.
- Caramelldansen is a phenomena that occurs when a certain kawaii anime fan becomes incredibly bored and has no anime left to watch. The kawaii anime fan will then begin flailing their arms hysterically (this is sometimes referred to as a Kawaii Seizure). The Caramelldansen originated in the year 1337, during a period of time known as the UnKawaii Phase (named because people in that time would hunt down anime fans and burn them) in which anime fans would flail their arms around hysterically to the sound of nothing, leading innocent bystanders to believe that they were having an epileptic seizure. This was not the case, however, 90% of the time the person had been hired by a complete stranger to distract their friends, relatives and the Grue in the attic so that they could watch anime without fear of the channel being changed as those people were busy watching the crazy lunatic waving their arms around madly, laughing hysterically and saying "OMG, I feel so Kawaiiiiii right now! <3333333 =)". The Kawaii Seizure Caramelldansen-performer was sometimes referred to as a Kawaii-Seizure Performance Artist, although the more common phrase was generally "What's wrong with that person?".