| - The FAMAS (Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de St-Etienne, Assault Rifle from the St-Etienne weapons factory in English) assault rifle is a bullpup select-fire assault rifle, chambered in 5.56 NATO. It was developed by GIAT Industries in France.
- The FA MAS is an assault rifle seen in Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain. -Description from The Omega Strain Syphon Filter File:SF2Franchise.png Syphon Filter 2 Syphon Filter 3 Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain Syphon Filter Combat Ops Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow
- The FAMAS is a weapon featured in the Battlefield 2: Euro Force booster pack as the default rifle issued to the European forces' Medic kit. It is statistically very similar to the M16A2. It possesses damage, recoil, and rate of fire stats identical to that of the M16A2. Its spread stats are similar to the M16A2, although marginally higher, making it slightly less accurate than the M16A2. Along with the L85A1 and F2000, the FAMAS is special in that it comes pre-equipped with an optic as opposed to iron sights. It is also special in that it is capable of both fully automatic or three-round-burst firemodes.
- Famas, was Human male who was a member of the Imperial Knights. At some point he joined the Imperial Knights and eventually became a Master, and took the Human Honi as an apprentice. Famas was also present during the peace talks with representatives of the New Jedi Order. During a mission with his former master, Famas was turned to the dark side by Darth Merik and became her lover, and subsequently killing his former master. He was later killed alongside his new lover by a a man he almost killed months earlier and his ex Corr Feraa.
- Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de St. Etienne (kurz: FAMAS, auch oft fälschlicherweise "Famas") ist ein Sturmgewehr, welches sowohl in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 als auch in Call of Duty: Black Ops erscheint. Die FAMAS ist eine Waffe mit 3-Schuss-Automatik.
- The FAMAS is an assault rifle with 25 ammo in a clip, and 100 ammo in stock. Its special weapon is a burst *3 of bullets. Rather good universal assault rifle, but I've seen better guns.
* Caliber: .223
* Kickback: 5
* Max. Kickback: 12
* Damage: 55
* Fire Rate: 10 shots/sec (Real FAMAS can fire at 15 RPS)
- FAMAS – francuski karabin automatyczny w układzie bullpup występujący w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops i Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified.
- Штурмовая винтовка разработки оружейного предприятия MAS в Сент-Этьен — французский автомат калибра 5,56 мм, имеющий компоновку «булл-пап». Неофициальное название — «клерон» (в переводе с французского - «горн») Категория:Штурмовые винтовки Категория:Оружие Категория:5,56-mm
- The Famas (stylized FAMAS) is a French-made assault rifle. FAMAS (Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de St-Etienne) is an assault rifle developed for the French Army and has been in service since the 1960's.
- The FAMAS F1 is an assault rifle featured in Crossfire.
- The FAMAS is a rifle.
- The FAMAS is a French assault rifle chambered for the 5.56mm round, which is highly durable. It makes its first appearance in the opening scene of Madness Combat 4: Apotheosis by one of the grunts killed by Hank. Hank uses one in the beginning of Madness Combat 7: Consternation to clear a staircase of l33t agents. Deimos uses one in Madness Combat 5.5 to fire at an oncoming train. In Madness: Project Nexus, the FAMAS received a redesign and deals high damage but with a low ammo capacity. Due to a glitch in the game, the rifle's magazine will be missing unless the FAMAS is wielded.
- The FAMAS (French: Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne or "Assault rifle of the Saint-Étienne weapon factory") is a bullpup-styled assault rifle designed and manufactured in France by MAS located in Saint-Étienne, which is now a member of the French government-owned Nexter group. It is the service rifle of the French military.
- The FAMAS is a French bullpup assault rifle built in 1967 by the Manufacture d'Armes de ST-Etienne.
- The Famas is in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Nazi Zombies game mode. It can be acquired from the Mystery Box in maps Kino der Toten, "Five", Ascension, and Call of the Dead. The Famas has a very high rate of fire (935.7rpm) and low recoil, but ammo becomes problematic as the player will burn through it quickly. Despite being a powerful weapon, the Famas will leave the player with no ammo if used carelessly.
- FAMAS — французская штурмовая винтовка.
- FAMAS (англ. FAMAS) — оружие в Wasteland 2.
- The FAMAS (French: Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne or "Saint-Étienne arms factory assault rifle") is an manufactured in France. It is the service rifle of the French military.
- Militärische Bezeichnung : FAMAS Einsatzland : Frankrethumb|left|Tokyo Marui Famas 5.56 F1ich Entwickler : MAS Produktionszeit : 1975 bis heute Modellversionen : FF1,FF2,FG2 Waffenkategorie : Sturmgewehr
- The FAMAS, or Clarion 5.56, as it was previously known, is a rifle featured in the Counter-Strike series.
- The FAMAS is an assault rifle, and is portrayed as the Felin-2C. At its Base, the Felin-2C has high damage, high accuracy, and medium Aggro. Cost: $16,000 Ammo capacity: 30
- The FAMAS is a bullpup assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified, and in Call of Duty Online.
- thumb|310px|Solid Snake con una FAMAS G1 en MGS:1 thumb|310px|Un soldado Genoma con una FAMAS G1 en MGS1 El fusil francés FAMAS ha hecho importantes apariciones a lo largo de la saga como arma reglamentaria del ejército Genoma.
- The FAMAS design was originally conceived by a French human. It was originally a primitive design of a toilet brush (uncreative creatures, see M16) It soon realizes that it had a bright future for him and them. They were peace loving shepherds at the time. So they went on with it and built the first production rifles from scratch. They used metal, rock, and sheep. Remarkably, their automatic rifle monopolized the market for french-built weaponry (what else did the French make?). I r t3h l33t pwn3r in Soldier Front wit diZ l33t rifl3. Evn th0 1t su}{ when ur @ lng rnge. <33 -Fail. Yummy!!!
- FAMAS может быть найдена в российских миссиях на протяжении всей игры. В некоторых местах её можно встретить с редким камуфляжем, похожим на белую ленту (данный камуфляж встречается только в одиночной игре, в мультиплеере этот камуфляж недоступен). FAMAS является эффективным оружием вследствие её возможности быстро расправляться с врагами одной очередью. Также её можно найти в миссии Museum с тем же уникальным камуфляжем.
- Mit MOUSE2 kann man den Feuermodus umstellen, zur Auswahl stehen, Reihenfeuer, sowie Feuerstoß (hierbei werden Salven mit jeweils drei Kugeln abgefeuert).
- The FAMAS (French: Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne, Assault Rifle by St-Étienne Arms Factory), is an assault rifle firing the 5.56 x 45mm NATO cartridge from a 25- or 30-round box magazine, depending on the version of the weapon. It is the standard-issue weapon for the French military. Its distinctive shape has earned it the affectionate nickname Le Clairon ("Trumpet") among troops.
- other uses The FAMAS (Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne: Saint-Étienne arms factory assault rifle) is an assault rifle in bullpup configuration designed and manufactured in France by the Saint-Étienne arms factory, which is a member of the French government-owned Nexter (formerly GIAT Industries) complex. It is the service rifle of the French military.
- FAMAS ("Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de St. Etienne"; franz.: "Sturmgewehr der Waffen-Manufaktur St. Etienne") ist das Standardsturmgewehr verschiedener französischer Streitkräfte. Das Gewehr ist eine Bullpup-Konstruktion und verfügt über ein ausklappbares Zweibein.
- The FAMAS (French:Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne) is a bullpup assault rifle manufactured by Nexter Systems (formerly GIAT Industries) that chambers the 5.56x45mm NATO round. There are variants of the FAMAS that exist in the Rainbow Six universe. These variants are the FAMAS G2 and the F2.
- De FAMAS werd ontwikkeld in door GIAT en betekent Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de St-Etienne en deze ontwikkeling begon in 1967. De FAMAS verving de MAS-49 geweer. In 1978 werd het wapen in gebruik genomen door het Franse leger. De FAMAS is een ambidexter bullpup-ontwerp. Op het handvat kunnen kijkers gemonteerd worden dmv een picatinnyrail. Het wapen kan tevens worden uitgerust met een M203 40mm granaatwerper en is standaard voorzien van een niet-regelbare tweepoot.
- El arma fue diseñada por orden del gobierno francés en la decada de 1960, con el objetivo de fabricar un fusil de asalto de corte futurista que sustituyera a los antiguos MAS-49. El desarrollo del arma corrió a cargo de la fábrica Manufacture d´Armé de St Étienne (de donde mas tarde recibiría su nombre) y en 1971 el primer prototipo estuvo listo. El arma es de diseño bullpup, preparada para el calibre 5,56mm. Ha demostrado ser muy fiable, sobre todo en condiciones arenosas, donde consigue ventaja frente a otros como el M16. Además es uno de los fusiles de asalto más ligeros del mercado.