| - After months of [GOP] accusations of political bias and simmering animosity between MSNBC and its parent network NBC, the channel decided over the weekend that the NBC News correspondent and MSNBC host David Gregory would anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night. Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews will remain as analysts during the coverage. As Mr. Olbermann raised his voice, his ratings rose as well, and he now reaches more than one million viewers a night, a higher television rating than any other show in the troubled 12-year history of the network. [Maybe NBC fears (actual) journalist Keith Olbermann might dare to call the upcoming "election" a coup in the middle *of* the coup. --LRP]
- David "Stretch" Gregory was a part of the White House Press Corp along with his comrade Helen Thomas. A known partisan, David is best known for treating former Press Secretary Scott McClellan like his bitch. David is currently hosting his own show on MSNBC, called Race to the White House. It is best known for its coverage of Hillary Clinton's attempt to get to the finish line in a hot air balloon funded by Exxon Mobil. He was tapped to be MSNBC's news anchor at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul; Tom Brokaw had decided that order needed to be restored in the broadcasting booth after a drunken brawl between Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Pat Buchanan, Joe Scarborough, and David Shuster. Andrea Mitchell would have joined in, but someone buried her in 10,000 red, white and blue balloons. Rachel Maddow and Chuck Todd stood off to the side and were not injured.