Glam metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that arose in the late 1970s - early 1980s in the United States. It was a dominant genre in popular rock music throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.[citation needed] The genre is also referred to, often by detractors, as hair metal. This term was popularized by MTV in the 1990s and derives from the tendency amongst most bands to style their long hair in a teased-up fashion. During its heyday, the genre was often referred to as heavy metal or simply metal.
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- Glam metal
- Glam Metal
- Glam metal
- Glam metal
| - Glam metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that arose in the late 1970s - early 1980s in the United States. It was a dominant genre in popular rock music throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.[citation needed] The genre is also referred to, often by detractors, as hair metal. This term was popularized by MTV in the 1990s and derives from the tendency amongst most bands to style their long hair in a teased-up fashion. During its heyday, the genre was often referred to as heavy metal or simply metal.
- thumb|right|200px|Muzyk glam metalowy Glam metal (także metal z cukrem pudrem pudlem, metal owłosiony, metal farbowany) - rodzaj muzyki rockowej oraz metalowej powstały dawno temu, bo w latach 70. XX wieku. Muzycy w grupach glam metalowych mają kolorowe włosy i szpanują swoimi gitarami na prąd. Większość grup glam metalowych zabłysnęła dzięki wydaniu 1. (słownie: jednego) przeboju. Podstawową i jedyną zasadą glam metalu jest wybór: albo wokalista maluje włosy na Jonas Brothers, albo pochodzi ze Szwecji.
- Glam metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that arose in the late 1970s - early 1980s in the United States. It was a dominant genre in popular rock music throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. "Hair bands" was the term popularized by MTV in the 1990s and derives from the tendency among most such bands to style their long hair in a teased-up fashion.
- Glam metal (also known as hair metal and often used synonymously with pop metal) is a subgenre of hard rock and heavy metal. It combines elements of these genres with punk rock and pop music, adding catchy hooks and guitar riffs, while borrowing from the aesthetic of 1970s glam rock.
- Glam metal (myös hair metal tai pop metal) on nykyisin käytetty nimi metallimusiikin tyylisuunnalle, joka kehittyi heavy metalista 1980-luvun alussa Yhdysvalloissa. Glam metalin juuret ovat hard rockissa ja glam rockissa. Glam metalin piirteitä ovat myös vahvasti eläytyvä, antaumuksellinen ja egoistinen lavaesiintyminen, pitkät kitarasoolot usein tiluttaen. Yhtyeiden vokalistit laulavat usein korkealta tai falsetissa.
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| - Glam metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that arose in the late 1970s - early 1980s in the United States. It was a dominant genre in popular rock music throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.[citation needed] The genre is also referred to, often by detractors, as hair metal. This term was popularized by MTV in the 1990s and derives from the tendency amongst most bands to style their long hair in a teased-up fashion. During its heyday, the genre was often referred to as heavy metal or simply metal.
- Glam metal (also known as hair metal and often used synonymously with pop metal) is a subgenre of hard rock and heavy metal. It combines elements of these genres with punk rock and pop music, adding catchy hooks and guitar riffs, while borrowing from the aesthetic of 1970s glam rock. It arose in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the United States, particularly on the Los Angeles Sunset Strip music scene, pioneered by bands such as Kix, Hanoi Rocks, Mötley Crüe andQuiet Riot. It was popular throughout the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, bringing to prominence bands including Poison, Cinderella and Bon Jovi. The genre rapidly lost mainstream interest from 1992 to 1994 with the rise of grunge and the release of albums such as Nirvana's Nevermind, but it has enjoyed something of a revival since the beginning of the new millennium with reunions of many popular acts from the genre`s 1980s heyday, as well as the retro styling of new bands including The Darkness and Steel Panther.
- thumb|right|200px|Muzyk glam metalowy Glam metal (także metal z cukrem pudrem pudlem, metal owłosiony, metal farbowany) - rodzaj muzyki rockowej oraz metalowej powstały dawno temu, bo w latach 70. XX wieku. Muzycy w grupach glam metalowych mają kolorowe włosy i szpanują swoimi gitarami na prąd. Większość grup glam metalowych zabłysnęła dzięki wydaniu 1. (słownie: jednego) przeboju. Podstawową i jedyną zasadą glam metalu jest wybór: albo wokalista maluje włosy na Jonas Brothers, albo pochodzi ze Szwecji.
- Glam metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal music that arose in the late 1970s - early 1980s in the United States. It was a dominant genre in popular rock music throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. "Hair bands" was the term popularized by MTV in the 1990s and derives from the tendency among most such bands to style their long hair in a teased-up fashion.
- Glam metal (myös hair metal tai pop metal) on nykyisin käytetty nimi metallimusiikin tyylisuunnalle, joka kehittyi heavy metalista 1980-luvun alussa Yhdysvalloissa. Glam metalin juuret ovat hard rockissa ja glam rockissa. Tyylisuuntaa on usein kutsuttu myös jokseenkin alentavalla nimellä "tukkahevi" (engl. hair metal). Termin popularisoi MTV 1990-luvulla ja sillä tarkoitetaan useimmiten muusikkojen tapaa tupeerata tai muutoin nostaa pitkät hiukset näyttäväksi kampaukseksi. Glam metalin ollessa suosionsa huipulla 1980-luvulla sitä useimmiten kuitenkin kutsuttiin heavy metaliksi tai vain metalliksi. Glam metalin piirteitä ovat myös vahvasti eläytyvä, antaumuksellinen ja egoistinen lavaesiintyminen, pitkät kitarasoolot usein tiluttaen. Yhtyeiden vokalistit laulavat usein korkealta tai falsetissa.
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