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- Tar è uno slang Goa'uld per Tau'ri, ossia gli umani, riferito agli abitanti della terra.
- 30% reduction in movement. Concise: You move 30% slower.
- Sector: [0,0,0] Major species: Allein, Antarasan, Catman, Darker, Droidan, Human, Changeling, Klackon, Mystic, Shaal Minor species: Farfarian, Maakh, Prime, Ptakollit, Riv, Vich, Xen Short description: Tar is small galaxy in center of dimension. It was in deep past chosen as administrative centrum of whole Aetheon universe.
- Tar may refer to:
* a name of Celeborn
* Tar (title) a Quenya title for a King or Queen
- Tar is a dark, thick, flammable substance produced through the distillation of wood or coal. It was one of three ingredients in a curative solution used to treat scale rot in dragons, the others being salt water and white spirit.
- In computing, tar (derived from tape archive and commonly referred to as "tarball") is both a file format (in the form of a type of archive bitstream) and the name of a program used to handle such files. The format was created in the early days of Unix and standardized by POSIX.1-1988 and later POSIX.1-2001. Initially developed to be written directly to sequential I/O devices for tape backup purposes, it is now commonly used to collect many files into one larger file for distribution or archiving, while preserving file system information such as user and group permissions, dates, and directory structures.
- Tar is Goa'uld slang for Tau'ri, meaning Humans, people from Earth.
- Tar was one of two fierce, black guard dogs owned by Gerard Stiles. He kept the dogs at his place of employment, the Gothic mansion known as Collinwood. Tracy Collins once saw Gerard stalking about the front lawn of Collinwood with both of the dogs at his side. There was something about the animal’s countenance that truly terrified her.
- Tar är Goa'uld slang för Tau'ri, vilket betyder människor, folk från Jorden. (SG1: "Rite of Passage") kategori:Goa'uld språk
- Tar is de bewaker van het ochtendbloed (X-Mannen nr 170 (NL))
- Tar requires Iron Mining Cells or better to forage. Tar can be infinitely scooped up as long as you don't take up the initial source-blocks, but only their liquid extensions. Since Tar is viscous and flows / extends quite slowly it is recommended to let it flow directly downwards to "multiply" it. By this new Tar "sources" will be created one below another and will continue to flow downwards slowly.
* Spoilers about how to make Tar into Coal: Making Coal.
* Spoilers about how to make Coal into Diamond: Making Diamond. And here a quote about that from developer Thor from Playful:
- Tar is a black mixture of hydrocarbons and free C obtained from a wide variety of organic materials through destructive distillation. Tar can be produced from coal, wood, petroleum, or peat. Production and trade in pine-derived tar was a major contributor in the economies of Northern Europe and Colonial America. Its main use was in preserving wooden vessels against rot. The largest user was the Royal Navy. Demand for tar declined with the advent of iron and steel ships.
- Urban, Swamps, and Wastelands are the dominions of a Tar witch. Marshwight (Ex): A Tar witch gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Swim, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her witch level in her dominion, and she cannot be tracked in such an environment. Bubbling Aura (Su): A Tar Witch is surrounded by a boiling aura that causes the air to warp and ripple around her. This gives her a 5% miss chance. This miss chance increases to 10% at 5th level, 15% at 8th level and 20% at 12th level.
- The TAR is a Terran Republic Assault Rifle. A relatively cheap weapon at 650 Certification Points, this weapon is excellent at close-to-medium range. It has traits that the starting T1 Cycler can't match. Its main advantages over the Cycler are the higher rate of fire that allows it to compete even with SMGs and that great hipfire cone of fire. It is still quite competitive at medium ranges with its 40-round magazine and a very slight bullet velocity decrease, meaning your bullets can still hit targets nearly as fast as most of the TR Assault Rifles.