| - Jocasta Nu Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Ženy Kategória:Jediovia
- Jocasta war eine Jedi-Meisterin. Sie war für das Archiv im Jedi-Tempel verrantwortlich.
- Madame Jocasta Nu was een ervaren Jedi Master die ten tijde van de Clone Wars fungeerde als Jedi Chief Librarian van de Jedi Archives.
- - Sha Koon Jocasta Nu era una femmina umana che servì nel Vecchio Ordine Jedi come Capo Bibliotecaria degli Archivi Jedi, al tempo delle Guerre dei Cloni. I suoi abiti decorati portavano i simboli dell'Ansata, che rappresenta la sua devozione alla conoscenza e all'apprendimento. Durante la sua carriera, Nu ha addestrato molti Padawan, compresi Jerec, Olee Pietrastella e Jin-Lo Rayce. Jocasta Nu morì per mano di Darth Fener, quando la 501esima legione ha saccheggiato il tempio Jedi.
- Jocasta Nu, to Jedi pracująca pod koniec istnienia Republiki w bibliotece Świątyni Jedi. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Kobiety Kategoria:Jedi
- Jokasta Nu a Jedi Templom fő archeológusa volt. A Jedi Templomban halt meg, a 66-os parancs kiadásakor. Jokasta mester sárga fénykarddal harcolt.
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- Jocasta Nu var en jedimästare som blev dödad via order 66.thumb
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- Jocasta Nu was the Librarian of the Jedi Archives in the Star Wars franchise. Jocasta started out as a Jedi researcher searching for information to be added to the Jedi Archives. She took Jerec as her padawan and became a Jedi Master, After becoming a the Jedi Archives librarian, Jocasta was delegated as a member of the Jedi Council. She served the Council for ten years and came to know many Jedi Knights including Dooku.
- Jocasta Nu, a.k.a. The Grey Lady, was a free-floating, full-torso, vaporous apparition that tended to the Jedi Archives in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. In days of yore, like, five thousand years ago, she was a detail-oriented, sedentary Jedi who spent most of her time tidying up the card catalog and reading Agatha Christie novels. She lived to the ripe old age of four hundred, died peacefully, and never noticed. Her Force ghost then went on as head librarian for centuries. "Keep it down this is a library." ―Jocasta Nu during Operation Knightfall.
- [Source] Jocasta Nu était une Jedi Bibliothécaire en chef des Archives du Temple Jedi. Son étonnante mémoire rivalise avec ses Archives, qu'elle considère comme un outil, demandant aux visiteurs d'effectuer leurs recherches eux-mêmes. Par excès de fierté, elle oublie parfois que les Archives ne sauraient être exhaustives.
- Jocasta Nu nació en el planeta Coruscant, y como sensible a la Fuerza, fue acogida a una edad muy temprana en la Orden Jedi. En el Templo Jedi de Coruscant, Nu sería entrenada en las artes Jedi, y con el tiempo, ascendió al rango de Maestra Jedi, llegando a formar parte del Alto Consejo Jedi.