| - The FCA could sell Ferengi females found to have earned profit into indentured servitude as punishment. Additionally, withholding financial records from the FCA could result in heavy fines. (DS9: "Family Business") It was not allowed for a Ferengi to discuss or take part in any form of a union. The FCA pursued such Ferengi relentlessly. (DS9: "Bar Association") To ask a question to the receptionist at their offices costs one slip of latinum. To sit down in a chair cost three slips, and to stand cost one slip, though it was possible to negotiate the price of a seat down to two slips. (DS9: "Family Business") The FCA is governed by a Board of Liquidators that have the power to confirm or reject the appointment of a new Grand Nagus. (DS9: "Profit and Lace") Decisions of the FCA can be overruled by the Grand Nagus, such as in matters of business license revocation. (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs") Agents of the FCA were known as liquidators, and were commonly feared by traditional Ferengi. (DS9: "Bar Association") Brunt was a particularly ambitious liquidator, who nearly managed to get himself appointed as the new Grand Nagus in 2373, and again in 2374. (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs", "Profit and Lace") The FCA's authority extended even beyond the Ferengi Alliance, and its rules governed Ferengi anywhere in the galaxy. (DS9: "Bar Association")