| - Eastern US Weather Forums is an Invision Power Board. It is an excellent place for weather enthusiasts, hobbyists and professional meteorologists to get together and discuss the weather. EUSWX is about five years old (it was started in May 2003), and is steadily growing. The board has members from all around the world. There are dozens of professional meteorologists from all over the US on the forums. Whenever there is a notable storm, such as a severe weather outbreak, hurricane, notable flooding rainfall, ice storm or a big snowstorm over the Eastern Seaboard metropolitan cities, literally hundreds, if not thousands, of passionate weather weenies get together on the board to enjoy the storm and post local weather updates, as well as to produce maps showing what the storm will do to certain parts of the country. EUSWX can be a tough forum to post at, a thick skin really is a must. It's part WWF, part weather. But its a really great place to learn about meteorology, and to get together with others who are also very passionate about the weather.