| - As you enter orbit above the blue-green surface of Earth, you peer through the clouds and see various possible landing sites... The swell of Earth looms underneath, the edge of the daytime side of the planet steeped in rich greens, blues, and whites. Very tranquil, but misleading. The very air that brings sustenance to those living on the planet, can bring death to those trying to get to the ground. It's something that require training, and a very skilled tutor. Fusillade might be SOL in this regard. The dark charcoal grey and glossy ghost grey bomber lightly puffs maneuvering thrusters to point herself to Earth, and sends a shortwave radio burst to the other Decepticons in the area. <>
| - As you enter orbit above the blue-green surface of Earth, you peer through the clouds and see various possible landing sites... The swell of Earth looms underneath, the edge of the daytime side of the planet steeped in rich greens, blues, and whites. Very tranquil, but misleading. The very air that brings sustenance to those living on the planet, can bring death to those trying to get to the ground. It's something that require training, and a very skilled tutor. Fusillade might be SOL in this regard. The dark charcoal grey and glossy ghost grey bomber lightly puffs maneuvering thrusters to point herself to Earth, and sends a shortwave radio burst to the other Decepticons in the area. <> The blues of Earth have nothing against the blues of Blueshift, as the sleek spacecraft mode glints in the light from the sun as it orbits the planet. <> he emits. <>. Of course, Blueshift usually just points himself at the planet and lets gravity do the rest, but he's not going to admit that. <> Despite the doubts Fusillade had about her reading and studies at Crystal City's Academe, what she saw with Blueshift /just/. /Ain't/. /Right/. The space-going aircraft shudders from the unceremonious slash with the atmosphere, and then fires maneuvering thrusters to point her nosecone AWAY from the moon, and back to Earth. <> she affirms, before firing main boosters to draw her up to Sunder, and thusly, Arachnae. Would Sweeps also have ulterior motives? Should one attribute to malice what could be explained by idiocy? She continues mulling, before adding, <> By this time, Arachnae and Fusillade have left poor Blueshift to his fantasies, where he is king of the Decepticon world. <> At that point, she rotates as described by Arachnae, rolling up over her tailfins before she settles at a slightly wobbly forty degree angle. <> Her voice fades as the friction of re-entry finally sheathes her shielded belly in plasma, the super-heated material interfering with radio transmissions. The Pacific Ocean swings below underneath, the coast of California coming up rapidly. She mulls over the S-Curves as the first one comes up, and instead focuses on the here and now. From outside, it looks tranquil enough, but inside, Fusillade leans heavily on her EMUX system to swing her around to each of the trajectory targets that will guide her safely into normal atmosphere.