| - Mines SuperintendentThe Mines Superintendent duties vary depending on if automatic maintenance is enabled or not. When it is enabled the Mines Superintendents duties include maintaining the mines, ordering improvements for a mine, or ordering the mine closed. When it is disabled, the Mines Superintendents duties only consist of giving orders for closing a mine.The Mines Superintendent has access to information to pertaining to all mines in the county. The Mines Superintendent can analyze this information and fill out a report for the rest of the county council to view. It is important to check daily for mine downgrades that may have occurred, maintenance that may not have been performed, as well as how many miners are actually working in the mines. If a downgrade occurs, or maintenance isn't performed, improvements or emergency maintenance should be considered. Check with the Count when it happens, and if you need to do anything in regards to it.Besides the Mines Superintendent, the Sheriff has access to information and the abilities that the Mines Superintendent has regarding mines in the county. The Sheriff may perform the functions of the Mines Superintendent then if it is needed or desired.The primary concern of the Mines Supervisor should be promoting mine attendance throughout the county.The Mines Superintendent OfficeYou will find your office in the bailiwick, to access it just select the ‘Management of the mines’ Tab. Here you’ll find the status of the counties mines and your options regarding them. If automatic maintenance is enabled, the options for maintenance will be grayed out. Each mine will be listed as follows:
* Mine # (1, 2, 3, 4) : Mine Type (Stone, Iron, Gold) – Mine Location (Node #) – Status : Mine Status (Good, Medium, Dangerous, Collapsed)
* Output : Production output per worker (# iron ounces/worker, or # stone ounces/worker, or # pounds per worker)
* Workers : Workers in the mine currently / Worker limit for the mine (#/#)
* Button for Maintenance, Grayed out if Maintenance is automated.
* Stone and Iron Maintenance performed for yesterday’s workers (Varies depending on total workers and mine level)
* Button for Improvements, Grayed out if Maintenance is automated.
* Stone and Iron Maintenance required for improving the mine (Varies depending on mine level) In Somerset, there are 4 mines, so this information will be listed 4 times for each individual mine in the county.Determining the Level of the MinesFrom the information given to the Mines Superintendent, the information about the level of the mines is not directly given. However, the Mines Superintendent can find out the level by associating the production per worker with the proper level of the mine. He may also do by dividing the daily maintenance for stone by workers for a specific mine, and associating that value as well.The following link leads to information regarding levels for mines, and how much stone, iron, and output is associated with each worker at that level. On the following page, just download the excel spreadsheet, then open it and view it: <a href="http://www.fileuploading.net/489998Daily">http://www.fileuploading.net/489998Daily</a> Reporting on the MinesFrom the information given to him from the interface in the bailiwick, and from numbers given to him by the Trade Minister and Sheriff, the Mines Superintendent can fill out a daily report. He can tell if a mine in the county has suffered a downgrade, if a mine is experiencing poor attendance, or if the status of the mine changes. He can also give a daily report about what’s being produced, total payments, iron and stone lost to maintenance, and net profit. Values can be calculated through the maintenance, miners who worked in the mine that day, total output of the mine, and information divulged from the Trade Minister.The stone and iron maintenance given to the Mines Superintendent represents the maintenance for a mine the day before. The output given to the Mines Superintendent represents today’s output from the mine. The amount of workers in the mine at the end of the day before the reset kicks in, represents the amount of workers in the mine for that day. Note if you miss it because you weren’t able to get on at the reset, you can contact the Sheriff if they were on at the reset.Additionally, the Sheriff can give information on what the wage miners are paid is, and the Trade Minister can give the Mines Superintendent figures for the cost of stone and iron. The Trade Minister may also give out the change in gold, iron and stone, by checking the change between those figures before and after reset.They can then be used to calculate the following figures:
* Production from a mine can be estimated by multiplying output by workers in the mine. The Trade Minister can also calculate the actually production.
* Wages for the workers are calculated by multiplying workers by the wage given per miner.
* Total miners in attendance for all mines can be calculated by adding up all the miners.
* Total production can be calculated by multiplying stone produced by the price of stone, iron produced by the price of iron, and adding those totals to the gold produced from the other 2 gold mines.
* Total wages can be calculated by adding up all the wages.
* Total stone maintenance can be calculated by adding up the stone maintenance for each mine.
* Total iron maintenance can be calculated by adding up the iron maintenance for each mine.
* Net gain for stone can be calculated by subtracting stone produced by stone used for maintaining all of the mines
* Net gain for iron can be calculated by subtracting iron produced by iron used for maintaining all the mines
* Gross value of expenses can be calculated by adding the 3 totals obtained by: multiplying the total stone maintenance for all the mines by the price of stone, multiplying the total iron maintenance for all mines by the price of iron, and taking the total wages value
* Net Profit can be calculated by subtracting the Gross value of expenses by total production. As a note, even if you can’t check for the amount of miners attending at the end of the day, and the Sheriff misses checking the figures as well, you can give a fairly close estimate to the number. It can either be calculated through the maintenance needed, given to you the following day, or by what was produced from the mines, calculated by the Trade Minister. The calculations are as follows:
* Estimate the amount of miners through stone maintenance by taking the stone maintenance for that mine and dividing it by the stone maintenance needed per worker.
* Estimate the amount of miners through iron maintenance by taking the iron maintenance for that mine and dividing it by the iron maintenance needed per worker.
* Estimate the amount of miners through the production by taking the amount produced from the mine and dividing it by the output produced per worker. Use the following example for obtaining the production value for an iron mine: Trade Minister notes the amount of iron at the end of the day when they have finished making whatever grants or transfers for iron. They then note after reset for the next day, the total amount of iron before they make any grants or transfers of iron. They minus the amount of iron after the reset by the iron before the reset, and get the amount of iron produced.Weekly Reporting on the MinesAfter the Mines Superintendent fills out some daily reports, he may in addition to his daily reports, make a weekly report. The weekly report can essentially just be the same as the daily report, just with 7 days worth of miners, production, and maintenance added up for a weekly assessment. If the Mines Superintendent doesn’t want to do anymore reporting then that, he can just stop here.However, it should be noted that you can make a much more complex report. This can be done with the help of reports made by other councilors to make a much more detailed report. Not only that, you can make the report so that it includes a overall snapshot with daily outputs and how they all add up for the weekly outputs. I won’t give you details on how to do an advanced report and as stated, you don’t have go to far in making your report. But nothing is stopping you from doing so.Automated MaintenanceIf Automated Maintenance is turned off, the Mines Superintendent has to perform the maintenance manually everyday. Usually the maintenance will be automated so you won’t have to worry about this, but this may not always be the case. Sometimes it may be decided that a mine should be upgraded, and when the Automated Maintenance is enabled, that option becomes grayed out. When this happens, it will be turned off so that the improvement may be performed.Most likely what will happen is that the Count will disable the Automated Maintenance so that the improvements can be performed. Then either you, the Mines Superintendent or the Sheriff, will handle making the improvement. Finally, after the improvement is made, the county will enable the Automated Maintenance again.Important Decisions regarding the Mines Decisions for ordering improvements for the mines, what miners are paid, and closing the mines, are usually done only after a decision is made by the County Council. You as the Mines Superintendent should never close or make an improvement to the mine until after this is done.