Maxley was a hobbe and the main character in the book "The Tale of Maxley". According to the story, Maxley was an unusually intelligent hobbe who longed to live among humans. So, he killed a rich trader, stole his clothes, and made for the town. The townspeople admired his clothes, mistaking him for a short human. But, when Maxley grumbled to them in his native tongue, they realised he was a Hobbe, killed him, and put his head on a pike. "The Tale of Maxley" was also compiled into a poem by Mr. Gout, the Bowerstone school master for recital to his class. The poem is as follows:
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| - Maxley - hobbes i główny bohater książki "The Tale of Maxley". Według opowieści, Maxley był niezwykle inteligentnym hobessem, który pragnął żyć wśród ludzi. Więc zabił bogatego kupca, ukradł jego ubranie i udał się do miasta. Mieszkańcy podziwiali jego ubrania, myląc go przez jakiś czas z człowiekiem. Maxley mruknął do nich w swoim ojczystym języku, przez co ludzie zdali sobie sprawę, że jest hobbesem. Mieszkańcy miasta zabili go i nadziali jego głowę na pal.
- Maxley was a hobbe and the main character in the book "The Tale of Maxley". According to the story, Maxley was an unusually intelligent hobbe who longed to live among humans. So, he killed a rich trader, stole his clothes, and made for the town. The townspeople admired his clothes, mistaking him for a short human. But, when Maxley grumbled to them in his native tongue, they realised he was a Hobbe, killed him, and put his head on a pike. "The Tale of Maxley" was also compiled into a poem by Mr. Gout, the Bowerstone school master for recital to his class. The poem is as follows:
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| - Maxley was a hobbe and the main character in the book "The Tale of Maxley". According to the story, Maxley was an unusually intelligent hobbe who longed to live among humans. So, he killed a rich trader, stole his clothes, and made for the town. The townspeople admired his clothes, mistaking him for a short human. But, when Maxley grumbled to them in his native tongue, they realised he was a Hobbe, killed him, and put his head on a pike. "The Tale of Maxley" was also compiled into a poem by Mr. Gout, the Bowerstone school master for recital to his class. The poem is as follows: There once was a hobbe, and Maxley was his name, He was that rarest of hobbes; one with a brain.
- Maxley - hobbes i główny bohater książki "The Tale of Maxley". Według opowieści, Maxley był niezwykle inteligentnym hobessem, który pragnął żyć wśród ludzi. Więc zabił bogatego kupca, ukradł jego ubranie i udał się do miasta. Mieszkańcy podziwiali jego ubrania, myląc go przez jakiś czas z człowiekiem. Maxley mruknął do nich w swoim ojczystym języku, przez co ludzie zdali sobie sprawę, że jest hobbesem. Mieszkańcy miasta zabili go i nadziali jego głowę na pal. "The Tale of Maxley" posłużyła panu Gout, dyrektora szkoły w Kaminnej Altanie do wygłoszenia w czasie lekcji poematu. Brzmi on nastepująco: