Attributes | Values |
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| - Bone Sword
- Bone Sword
- Bone Sword
- Bone Sword
| - Zorbak's Reward
- Unlocked by: Bone
- The Bone Sword was a deleted weapon that Kain was intended to have gained in Blood Omen . The reasons for its removal are unknown. Little is known about the appearance, in game abilities or effects of the Bone Sword, though the name suggests it was a companion to the existing Bone Armor and may have shared some of its benefits The hilt of the Bone Sword is part of Vorador's Hybrid Sword, which Vorador wields against Malek in cutscenes featuring his battle with the Paladin..
- Bonesword is a sword, that is made out of dung
- The Bone Sword is the most used sword of the undead in Davy Jones' Locker. It was a cursed blade with a bone handle and blade. The undead were the guards of the locker. It also features in the At World's End game as an unlockable sword available to equip at Treasure Cove.
- Image:Bone Sword.gif Nome:Bone Sword Tipo:Espada Tradução:Espada de Osso Arm: -- Ataque:: 14 Defesa: 10 Peso: 19.00oz Vende para: -- Compra em: -- Valor Estimado: 60gps Cai em:Braindeath, Crypt Shambler(semi-raro) Nota:Não é muito usada por players
- The Bone Sword is a weapon used by the Ice Barbarians. It counts as a Sword.
- !NPC !Cost !Town/Area !Coordinates |- |Dobblar |621 |Kor-Gursha |67.4N, 30.5E |- |}
- Description: "Sword of Bones." How to acquire: Weapon Design rewarded from Yulgar's "Zorbak's Reward" Quest. Sell Value: 250 gold. Original Level: 1 Type: Sword
* 1 / 50-62
* 2 / 54-66
* 3 / 57-71
* 4 / 61-75
* 5 / 63-77
* 6 / 66-82
* 7 / 68-84
* 8 / 72-88
* 9 / 72-88
* 10 / 73-91
* 11 / 73-91
* ?? / ??-??
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Live Image Caption
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elemental damage
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Icon Image
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Weapon Skill
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damage per second
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| - Players.
- Baltim, Brengus, Cedrik, Esrik, Flint, Gamel, Habdel, Hardek, Memech, Morpel, Robert, Rock In A Hard Place, Romella, Rowenna, Sam, Shanar, Turvy, Ulrik, Uzgod, Willard
- Baltim 75 gp
- Brengus 75 gp
- Cedrik 75 gp
- Esrik 75 gp
- Gamel 75 gp
- Habdel 75 gp
- Hardek 75 gp
- Memech 75 gp
- Morpel 75 gp
- Robert 75 gp
- Rock In A Hard Place 75 gp
- Romella 75 gp
- Rowenna 75 gp
- Sam 75 gp
- Shanar 75 gp
- Turvy 75 gp
- Ulrik 75 gp
- Uzgod 75 gp
- Willard 75 gp
Cannot Be Sold
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Weapon Type
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| - 0(xsd:integer)
- 20(xsd:integer)
Related Quests
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| - Players.
- Baltim, Brengus, Cedrik, Esrik, Flint, Gamel, Habdel, Hardek, Memech, Morpel, Robert, Rock In A Hard Place, Romella, Rowenna, Sam, Shanar, Turvy, Ulrik, Uzgod, Willard
- Baltim 20 gp
- Brengus 20 gp
- Cedrik 20 gp
- Esrik 20 gp
- Gamel 20 gp
- Habdel 20 gp
- Hardek 20 gp
- Memech 20 gp
- Morpel '''20 gp
- Robert 20 gp