| - The Fundamental Declarations of the Martian Colonies were important legal documents drafted on the planet Mars. The declarations were one of the foundational documents outlining Human rights. (TOS episode: "Court Martial") They were written in the Gundersdotter's Dome, overlooking - from a distance - Fort Lincoln. (TOS novel: Preserver) Following is the Excerpt from page 80 of Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology, by Stan and Fred Goldstein: FUNDAMENTAL DECLARATION OF THE MARTIAN COLONIES PASSED – 2062 MARTIAN COLONIES JOHN HAMMERLICK, GOVERNOR As mankind evolved from a geo-centered to a solar-wide civilization, it’s political structure underwent a similar decentralization. A separate political forum was needed to address each planet’s unique needs, and in 2062, representatives of every inhabited region in space met on Mars and formally recognized this need in the “Fundamental Declaration”. The Earth still remained man’s ultimate governing body, but local autonomy was granted the planets over their own internal affairs. The Fundamental Declaration was subsequently extended into interstellar space and has become a major galactic precedent. Archive Log: THE FUNDAMENTAL DECLARATION OF THE MARTIAN COLONIES When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for Planets to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected Them with their Home Planet Earth, and to assume with the Earth a separate and autonomous status, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that They should declare the causes which impel Them to the Separation. We contend that the great distances and differing Planetary realities among Planets and the Earth have given rise to numerous inequities and misunderstandings. We further contend that the representation afforded Planets in any Earth-centered Political Forum cannot provide a sufficient voice for our Needs and Aspirations. We, therefore, the Representatives of all Inhabited Regions of the Solar System, met here at the Martian Colonies, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of the Regions, solemnly Publish and Declare, that these Regions are, and of Right ought to be, FREE AND AUTONOMOUS. This Declaration implies no malice nor animosity toward the Planet Earth. It recognizes the Authority of the Earth over interplanetary affairs and pledges Full Participation in the Maintenance and Security of the Solar System. However, the FREEDOM AND AUTONOMY of these Regions must be considered and inviolable principle, which hereafter, must be honored by all peaceful Governments and will be Defended by these Regions with the full weight of their Honor, their Fortunes, and their Lives. SIGNED at these MARTIAN COLONIES, 2062. JOHN HAMMERLICH, GOVERNOR OF THE MARTIAN COLONIES
- The Fundamental Declarations of the Martian colonies was a historical legal document from Mars history. Laws pertaining to the Human rights of the accused were enumerated in this document. It was one of multiple legal authorities cited by Attorney-at-Law Samuel T. Cogley at Captain Kirk's general court martial in 2267. (TOS: "Court Martial" ) In the script of "Court Martial", this document was called "Fundamental Declaration of the Martian Colonies", though Cogley, when he says the name in the episode, pluzarizes the second word in the name. During the fourth season of Star Trek: Enterprise, the show's writing staff hoped to do a story about this historic event, but the episode never materialized. The idea was that Mars would aim comets used for terraforming at Earth, in a Cuban missile crisis-type scenario. Some elements of the story found their way into "Terra Prime" . ("Terra Prime" audio commentary, ENT Season 4 Blu-ray special features) A conjectural version of the declaration was printed in the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology, which dated it to 2062.