| - Bran loves climbing the walls of Winterfell, a castle and seat of House Stark. During the visit of King Robert I. he witnessed the Queen and her twin brother having intercourse in one of the towers. Jaime pushes him out of the window, causing permanently crippled legs for Bran. After his brother Robb Stark rides to war Bran becomes the acting Lord of Winterfell. When Theon Greyjoy captured Winterfell, Bran and his brother were able to escape with the wildling woman Osha and Hodor.
- Brandon Stark was the Last Greenseer, a key figure during the War for the Dawn. Better known as the second youngest son of Eddard Stark, Brandon was presumed missing and dead in 300 AC after the sack of Winterfell. It is not common knowledge that Brandon traveled beyond the wall and became a Greenseer the last of his kind until the Others are to rise again.
- Brandon Stark, kurz Bran, ist der zweite Sohn von Lord Eddard und Lady Catelyn Tully von Winterfell. Gleich zu Beginn der Geschichte verändert sich sein Leben schlagartig, weil er nach einem von Jaime Lennister verursachten Sturz gelähmt bleibt. Sein Diener Hodor trägt ihn fortan in einem für ihn erschaffenen Korb auf dem Rücken. Brans Schattenwolf heißt Sommer. Er hat außerdem regelmäßig voraussehende Träume. In den Büchern ist er einer der wichtigsten POV-Charaktere.
- Brandon Stark was the firstborn son and heir of Lord Rickard Stark, and the older sibling of Eddard and Lyanna Stark. He was betrothed to Catelyn Tully , but was executed in King's Landing alongside his father by the Mad King when he entered the Red Keep with a handful of companions (Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce, Ethan Glover, and Elbert Arryn) demanding that Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen answer for his supposed abduction of Lyanna. The five young men were arrested by King Aerys II and charged with treason. Their fathers were called to King's Landing to answer these charges as well but were apprehended on arrival and presented in front of the court in the Red Keep.
- Brandon Stark to najstarszy syn i dziedzic lorda Rickarda Starka, głowy Domu Stark w Winterfell i jego żony Lyarry Stark. Jego młodszym rodzeństwem byli Eddard Stark, Lyanna Stark i Benjen Stark. Urodzony w 261 lub 262 o. P. w Winterfell, zamordowany przez króla Aerysa II Targaryena w 282 o. P. w Królewskiej Przystani. Brandon był w drodze do Riverrum, aby poślubić Catelyn, kiedy dowiedział się, że jego siostra Lyanna została uprowadzona. Zawrócił z drogi. by ją ratować. Tym czynem bardzo rozgniewał lorda Hostera. Do Królewskiej Przystani Brandon przybył z garstką ludzi i wzywał księcia Rhegara, by ten stanął z nim do walki i zginął. Aerys, sądząc, że to spisek na życie jego syna, kazał wszystkich aresztować. Tylko giermek Brandona, Ethan Glover, uszedł z życiem, pozostali lordowie Jeffory