| - The Stooges happily reminisce about the meeting of their respective fiancees whilst in the service in Europe. To celebrate, the trio drink a toast, consisting of three large mugs containing Old Panther whisky and immediately get pathetically drunk. Moe and Shemp start arguing over their sweetheart, and suggest they end it by fighting "a drool." As ammunition, they spray each other with seltzer bottles. Shemp finally passes out cold, leading Moe and Larry to the conclusion he croaked. They decided to dispose of Shemp's body by encasing his feet in a round-bottomed tub with cement in order to drop him into the ocean.
- Phineas' Journal 2/10/12 Me and Ferb went outside today with Isabella and we saw moving vans, and a lot of them. Then after the moving vans, a black mini van, and a kid around our age steps out. "I'll go meet some other kids my age while the moving men unload mom." The boy says. We walk over slowly, the boy smiles gently. "Hello, my name is Victor, my mother, father, my two sisters and I just moved from out of the Tri-state area, and who might you be?" He says. He looks at Isabella while he said it too. "I'm Isabella, that's Phineas and that's Ferb." Isabella says. Victor takes Isabella's hand and kisses it. "Well it's very nice to meet you all. Isabella, has anyone told you your eyes are like diamonds? Because, if not I am the first." Victor says with a laugh. Isabella smiles and then Vic
| - The Stooges happily reminisce about the meeting of their respective fiancees whilst in the service in Europe. To celebrate, the trio drink a toast, consisting of three large mugs containing Old Panther whisky and immediately get pathetically drunk. Moe and Shemp start arguing over their sweetheart, and suggest they end it by fighting "a drool." As ammunition, they spray each other with seltzer bottles. Shemp finally passes out cold, leading Moe and Larry to the conclusion he croaked. They decided to dispose of Shemp's body by encasing his feet in a round-bottomed tub with cement in order to drop him into the ocean. While the cement dries, the three doze off. When they come to, all are suffering from hangovers and short memories. Naturally, they cannot figure out how Shemp got into his situation. Realizing they must meet their sweethearts quickly, Moe and Larry load up the tub with sticks of dynamite, which explodes and send the boys flying through the air and onto the docks where their ladies are waiting.
- Phineas' Journal 2/10/12 Me and Ferb went outside today with Isabella and we saw moving vans, and a lot of them. Then after the moving vans, a black mini van, and a kid around our age steps out. "I'll go meet some other kids my age while the moving men unload mom." The boy says. We walk over slowly, the boy smiles gently. "Hello, my name is Victor, my mother, father, my two sisters and I just moved from out of the Tri-state area, and who might you be?" He says. He looks at Isabella while he said it too. "I'm Isabella, that's Phineas and that's Ferb." Isabella says. Victor takes Isabella's hand and kisses it. "Well it's very nice to meet you all. Isabella, has anyone told you your eyes are like diamonds? Because, if not I am the first." Victor says with a laugh. Isabella smiles and then Victor walks away. We walk back. "Maybe I should go on a date with Victor, it could make Phineas jealous." Isabella says to herself. Isabella runs towards the new house. "Victor, would you like to go out?" Isabella says. "Why of course, how about moonlight picnic on the 11th?" Victor smiles "Great." Says Isabella. Later that day I went around the new house I could hear Victor screaming from his room. "Perfect, taking Isabella into my vampire army to take over the Tri-state area is genius!" I tell Ferb afterwards. "I can't let this happen, I like Isabella and the Tri-state area help me you guys!" So Ferb, Baljeet, Buford and I gather the basic vampire killing tools garlic, a wooden stake, and a special sun flashlight Ferb made. 2/11/12 Okay, it's about 8 o' clock which means Victor and Isabella are walking to the park. We grab our tools and run. We catch up to Victor. "Give up with the plot Victor we got you surrounded!" Me and the other vampire hunters scream. "Never!" Victor yells. Victor starts to attack me. "Catch!" Baljeet cries throwing me the flashlight. Before I cross from mortal to immortal I use the flashlight killing Victor. Ferb, noticing I am now a vampire gets his travel chemistry kit out and mixes a formula to cure me. After I'm cured Isabella kisses me. "My hero!" She screams.