However, those green scales did not die upon removal from the dora-mu, because it could mold itself onto the Vangaak's skeleton and receive nutrition from the living craft. These scales were also able to withstand blaster bolts, and were capable of healing. Also, knobby projections that can control the craft sprout from the carapace. Vangaak trawlers were used to gather fish and other aquatic life. It traveled largely submerged with only a broad flat dome that served as a sensory device visible.
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- Vangaak
- Vangaak
- Vangaak
| - thumb|VangaakVangaak var Yuuzhan Vongs verson av en ubåt. Disse skapningene var rundt 35 meter, og var som alle Yuuzhan Vongs skapninger levende vesner. En Vangaak besto av flere lag korall-lignende skapninger. Først ble skjelletet grodd fram, så lom flere lag korall før skipets harde ytre panser. Vangaak slukte vann og små dyr med en munn-lignende åpning foran på skipet. Dette ble brukt som skipets drivstoff.
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- Trup plavidla byl vytvořen z korálu yorik a poté potažen rosolovitým organismem jménem kera-boa. Ten se rychle množil a vytvářel na povrchu miliony malých úponků, které svým pohybem poháněly plavidlo vpřed. Dále se trup pokrýval šupinami z tvora dora-mu, které na vangaaku zakořenily a vytvořily tak chytinový pancíř odolávající blasterové palbě. Z krunýře potom vyrostly další silné, spletité úponky, obstarávající pohyb plavidla.
- However, those green scales did not die upon removal from the dora-mu, because it could mold itself onto the Vangaak's skeleton and receive nutrition from the living craft. These scales were also able to withstand blaster bolts, and were capable of healing. Also, knobby projections that can control the craft sprout from the carapace. Vangaak trawlers were used to gather fish and other aquatic life. It traveled largely submerged with only a broad flat dome that served as a sensory device visible.
- Los Vangaak era un arrastrero acuático empleado por los yuuzhan vong para viajar bajo el agua. El marco esquelético de la criatura viviente estaba compuesto de duro coral yorik. Una vez que el marco maduraba, se le emparejaba con un organismo viviente llamado kera-boa que se reproducían rápidamente, creando una colonia protoplásmica semi inteligente que brotaban millones de largos zarcillos microscópicos que colgaban bajo el vehículo. Estos zarcillos se movían juntos y podían mover al vehículo en cualquier dirección. Después de que el sistema kera-boa se enraizaba, el Vangaak era rodeado por cientos de fuertes y largas escamas verdes proveidas por el dora-mu, que era una criatura acuática importada de la galaxia yuuzhan vong.
- The Vangaak was an aquatic trawler used by the Yuuzhan Vong for traveling underwater. The living craft's skeletal frame was composed from tough yorik coral. Once the frame matured, it was seeded with a living organism called kera-boa, which reproduced rapidly, creating a semi-sentient protoplasmic colony which sprouted millions of long, microscopic tendrils that dangled below the craft. These tendrils were made to move together and could propel the craft in any direction. After the kera-boa system had taken root, the Vangaak was enveloped by hundreds of long, tough dull green scales supplied by the dora-mu, which was an aquatic creature imported from the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy.
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| - *Aquatic assault
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- Vangaak
- Vangaak
- Vangaak
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- Vangaak
- Vangaak
- Vangaak
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| - The Vangaak was an aquatic trawler used by the Yuuzhan Vong for traveling underwater. The living craft's skeletal frame was composed from tough yorik coral. Once the frame matured, it was seeded with a living organism called kera-boa, which reproduced rapidly, creating a semi-sentient protoplasmic colony which sprouted millions of long, microscopic tendrils that dangled below the craft. These tendrils were made to move together and could propel the craft in any direction. After the kera-boa system had taken root, the Vangaak was enveloped by hundreds of long, tough dull green scales supplied by the dora-mu, which was an aquatic creature imported from the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy. However, those green scales did not die upon removal from the dora-mu, because it could mold itself onto the Vangaak's skeleton and receive nutrition from the living craft. These scales were also able to withstand blaster bolts, and were capable of healing. Also, knobby projections that can control the craft sprout from the carapace. Vangaak trawlers were used to gather fish and other aquatic life. It traveled largely submerged with only a broad flat dome that served as a sensory device visible. The Vangaak fed by opening a large maw at the front of the craft which could suck in fish. The water was filtered through thick, sticky strands of kera-boa tendrils. Large organisms got caught in the web while smaller ones passed through the kera-boa tendrils into the Vangaak's digestive membrane, which fueled the craft. Larger variants of the Vangaak could be used for aquatic combat with the addition of specialized yaret-kor. They could also be used as sea-going troop transports and could board enemy vessels.
- However, those green scales did not die upon removal from the dora-mu, because it could mold itself onto the Vangaak's skeleton and receive nutrition from the living craft. These scales were also able to withstand blaster bolts, and were capable of healing. Also, knobby projections that can control the craft sprout from the carapace. Vangaak trawlers were used to gather fish and other aquatic life. It traveled largely submerged with only a broad flat dome that served as a sensory device visible. The Vangaak fed by opening a large maw at the front of the craft which could suck in fish. The water was filtered through thick, sticky strands of kera-boa tendrils. Large organisms got caught in the web while smaller ones passed through the kera-boa tendrils into the Vangaak's digestive membrane, which fueled the craft. Larger variants of the Vangaak could be used for aquatic combat with the addition of specialized yaret-kor. They could also be used as sea-going troop transports and could board enemy vessels.
- Trup plavidla byl vytvořen z korálu yorik a poté potažen rosolovitým organismem jménem kera-boa. Ten se rychle množil a vytvářel na povrchu miliony malých úponků, které svým pohybem poháněly plavidlo vpřed. Dále se trup pokrýval šupinami z tvora dora-mu, které na vangaaku zakořenily a vytvořily tak chytinový pancíř odolávající blasterové palbě. Z krunýře potom vyrostly další silné, spletité úponky, obstarávající pohyb plavidla. Hlavní úlohou vangaaku byl lov ryb a vodních živočichů. Při plavbě byl trauler z větší části ponořený, nad hladinu vyčnívala pouze horní kupolovitá část. Velkým chřtánem protékala voda, kterou filtrovaly úponky kera-boa. Velké organismy se zachytily v síti, zatímco menší putovaly do zažívací membrány vangaaku, kde sloužily jako palivo. Velké vangaaky se daly použít také jako bojová plavidla přidáním malých vrhačů plazmy. Po přiblížení se k neprátelskému plavidlu vangaak natáhl silná vlákna kera-boa, znehybnil cíl a umožnil tak přepadovému komandu Yuuzhan Vongů plavidlo obsadit.
- thumb|VangaakVangaak var Yuuzhan Vongs verson av en ubåt. Disse skapningene var rundt 35 meter, og var som alle Yuuzhan Vongs skapninger levende vesner. En Vangaak besto av flere lag korall-lignende skapninger. Først ble skjelletet grodd fram, så lom flere lag korall før skipets harde ytre panser. Vangaak slukte vann og små dyr med en munn-lignende åpning foran på skipet. Dette ble brukt som skipets drivstoff.
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