| - Hawaiian Shirt is a Super Pineapple Party 2015. It can be obtained from the Pineapple Magic mod.
- He initially pretends to attempt to speak to Jin in English, then begins speaking to him in Korean. The conversation: The scene ends with Jin, looking happy on the raft, apparently free and having proven Hawaiian Shirt wrong.
- The Hawaiian Shirt is clothing in Dead Rising 3. It is one part of the Hawiian Holiday Gear outfit.
- The Hawaiian Shirt is a body item on Club Penguin Rewritten. It costs 250 coins on the Penguin Style catalog.
- They were worn when off duty, usually in the context of a real or simulated vacation. Trip Tucker threw on a Hawaiian shirt prior to disembarking for shore leave on Risa in 2152. (ENT: "Fallen Hero", "Two Days and Two Nights") Similarly, Tom Paris was seen in several different Hawaiian shirts while on board USS Voyager. One such occasion was when the Voyager crew fêted at a luau. Harry Kim also wore a Hawaiian shirt in 2373, one with a pineapple motif. (VOY: "Alter Ego") While the shirt is more accurately called an "aloha shirt", it was called a Hawaiian shirt in episode dialogue.
- Employed by Mr. Paik, he was in the Sydney Airport the day Jin was flying to Los Angeles. When he asks Jin for a paper towel in English, Jin does not understand, however the man later reveals that he is fluent in Korean and working for Jin’s father-in-law. He informs Jin that he is aware Jin is planning to run away and informs him that he is going to deliver the watch to Mr. Paik’s associate in California and that if he did not, he would lose Sun. As their conversation drew to a close, he intimidated Jin by informing him that he is not free, and that he never has been nor ever will be.