Level Witch 9 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range Touch Target Creature touched Duration permanent Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes The creature is effected by a terrible curse that causes them to die of inflicted injuries. While under the effects of this curse, damage, negative levels, ability damage, and non-lethal damage cannot be cured through any means. Fast healing or regeneration end and do not allow the creature to regain hit points and any healing magic used on the creature fizzles out. Healing items used on the creature react violently and instantly break. In addition, ailments such as stunning, magical sleep, fatigue, exhaustion and the like cannot be repaired through magic by any means until the curse has been lifted.
Attributes | Values |
| - Darkness Curse
- Darkness curse
| - Level Witch 9 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range Touch Target Creature touched Duration permanent Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes The creature is effected by a terrible curse that causes them to die of inflicted injuries. While under the effects of this curse, damage, negative levels, ability damage, and non-lethal damage cannot be cured through any means. Fast healing or regeneration end and do not allow the creature to regain hit points and any healing magic used on the creature fizzles out. Healing items used on the creature react violently and instantly break. In addition, ailments such as stunning, magical sleep, fatigue, exhaustion and the like cannot be repaired through magic by any means until the curse has been lifted.
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| - Put a crippling counter on all non-dark creatures.
| - Level Witch 9 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Range Touch Target Creature touched Duration permanent Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes The creature is effected by a terrible curse that causes them to die of inflicted injuries. While under the effects of this curse, damage, negative levels, ability damage, and non-lethal damage cannot be cured through any means. Fast healing or regeneration end and do not allow the creature to regain hit points and any healing magic used on the creature fizzles out. Healing items used on the creature react violently and instantly break. In addition, ailments such as stunning, magical sleep, fatigue, exhaustion and the like cannot be repaired through magic by any means until the curse has been lifted. The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a miracle or wish spell, as well as by killing the caster. It cannot be removed with remove curse or suppressed with abeyance.