| - Mermaidkin (merkin) is a type of otherkin in which they identify as a mermaid, or are a reincarnation of one. Merkin may also be Oceankin , or feel very strongy connected to the ocean, sea and aquatic animals. Merkin can come in forms such as mermaids, water fae, nymphs, undines, selchies, sea dragons, atlanteans, lemurians, etc.
| - Mermaidkin (merkin) is a type of otherkin in which they identify as a mermaid, or are a reincarnation of one. Merkin may also be Oceankin , or feel very strongy connected to the ocean, sea and aquatic animals. Merkin can come in forms such as mermaids, water fae, nymphs, undines, selchies, sea dragons, atlanteans, lemurians, etc. Mermaid and mermen otherkin have strong natural connections with dolphins, have a desire to protect the world's oceans, enjoy activities such a surfing and swimming, take an interest in marine biology, often dream of the sea, find their "happy place" by the water, have had a strong obsession with mermaids since childhood, enjoy storms and singing, are eco-friendly and are naturally intelligent. Some also have natural red tints in their hair, green or hazel eyes, feel constantly thirsty and feel cold, even in hot temperatures.