| - A Token Evil Teammate is someone in the team whose lesser principles stick out like a sore thumb. A Token Good Teammate is someone whose greater principles do the same. A typical example might be a Justified Criminal forced to go native among real criminals, perhaps because of deliberate persecution or simple error by The Government. Despite his high moral standards, he need not be The Heart for the party, as he may not be interfering with their questionable activities. Though he can be, reminding the others (or teaching them for the first time) that there is more at stake than money, power or personal vendettas. Alternately, he may be someone who simply holds himself aloof from the "debauchery" of other party members. In extreme examples, he may become The Scrappy In-Universe as he tries to foist his ideas on others, becoming a terribly annoying Commander Contrarian. He will likely have struggles between loyalty to the True Companions and his conscience, creating inner conflict and conflict with his teammates, but sometimes a Token Good Teammate can also inspire the team to rise above themselves by the idealism they show. If both he and the Token Evil Teammate are in the same party (and you know authors won't want to miss the chance) there will be at least one huge display of verbal fireworks per episode, lots of almost (and actual) Lets You And Him Fights, and perhaps an eventual Vitriolic Best Buds. Alternatively, though, a Token Good Teammate can be found amongst a group of dastardly villains, in order for the show to make sure that the antagonist side does not go too black in terms of morality. Perhaps this character shows restraint in doing atrocious evil, or is forced against his/her own will to be a bad guy (due to a hostage or some other leverage held by the bad guys, for example), or has other goals that are noble, but require him/her to be on the bad guys' side, or is merely just following orders from the higher ups that he/she has sworn loyalty to (high honor standards can cause such). This character has a high chance to become a sympathetic Anti-Villain that the audience can root for. They may also be the Team Face by virtue of not being an asshole. The other members will trust him more than each other and have him talk to the Muggles when needed. Compare Token Wholesome. Related to the Fish Out of Water, the Only Sane Man, and The Heart. See also The Messiah. For the types of 'good guy amongst evil villains', see also Anti-Villain (especially Type IV) and Noble Demon. Examples of Token Good Teammate include:
- The Token Good Teammate is the only member of a villain's group to actually be a good guy. There may be reasons for a certain good guy to be a member of a bad guy's group. 1.
* Not being aware that the group is villainous. 2.
* Trying to get attention 3.
* Being a member of a family the rest of whom is evil 4.
* Being a double agent.