Eleven years have passed in reality since Gale and her comrades left for the Hidden Realm. Their once peaceful and prosperous land lies in ruins, controlled by Shinkaiyami, Yaketsukuyona and Kazir, and their imperial armies of dark and ice Descendant facsimiles. Gale and Mizu's sons, Rakurai and Arashi, live a deprived life with many other teenagers in the shattered ruins of Hikari, the City of Light, forced to risk their lives each and every day to survive amidst the ashes of yesterday.
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| - The White Star Trilogy III: Fate And Freedom
| - Eleven years have passed in reality since Gale and her comrades left for the Hidden Realm. Their once peaceful and prosperous land lies in ruins, controlled by Shinkaiyami, Yaketsukuyona and Kazir, and their imperial armies of dark and ice Descendant facsimiles. Gale and Mizu's sons, Rakurai and Arashi, live a deprived life with many other teenagers in the shattered ruins of Hikari, the City of Light, forced to risk their lives each and every day to survive amidst the ashes of yesterday.
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| - I- Life Among the Ashes
II- Hunting the Ice Fanged Wyvern
III- A Changed World
IV- No Long Goodbyes
V- By Order of the Emperor
VI- The Angel of Kasai
Interlude- Memoirs of a Lost Soul
VII- A Rage Quelled
VIII- The Lightbringer and the Frostbane
IX- Terror of the Flooded Forest
Interlude- Ashes of the Fallen
IX-2- Attack of the Nightstalker
Interlude- The Abyssal Sovereign
X- Discovery
XI- Shinkaiyami's Heart
XII- The Search for Salvation
XIII- A Family Reunion
XIV: The Lost City
XV- The Lake of Eternity
XVI- Winds of Rebirth
XVI-2- Call of the Shadows
XVII- A Rebellion in the Making
Interlude- Tsunamikawa's Legacy
XVIII- Where All Monsters Go To Die
XIX- Abysmal Vengeance
Interlude- Deepest Darkest Deception
XX- Death's Second Shadow
Interlude- The Coming Storm
XXI- Return to the Wind Village
XXII- Hyoku
XXIII: The Fiery Rebel
XXIV: Plans for Revolt
XXV- Execution
XXVI- The Great Revolt Begins!
XVII- True Darkness
XXVIII- The End Times
XXIX- Edge of Darkness
XXX- Liberation
Epilogue: Skylar Kuuki
Epilogue: Gigas Honou
Epilogue: Tsubaki Murakami
Epilogue: Jinsoku Nakamura
Epilogue: Arashi Nagare + Rakurai Nagare
Epilogue: Gale Kaze + Mizu Nagare
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Number of Chapters
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| - Eleven years have passed in reality since Gale and her comrades left for the Hidden Realm. Their once peaceful and prosperous land lies in ruins, controlled by Shinkaiyami, Yaketsukuyona and Kazir, and their imperial armies of dark and ice Descendant facsimiles. Gale and Mizu's sons, Rakurai and Arashi, live a deprived life with many other teenagers in the shattered ruins of Hikari, the City of Light, forced to risk their lives each and every day to survive amidst the ashes of yesterday. When Gale and Mizu return to their world, they must embark one one final quest to find their children, liberate their land and once again stop the Wyrms from destroying humanity...