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| - Batman Incorporated Vol 2 3
- Batman Incorporated Vol 2 3
| - Poco a poco, Leviathan se ido infiltrando en cada una de las instituciones predominante en ciudad Gótica, como las escuelas, la policía y los juzgados, para esparcir su ideología y así comenzar a reclutar nuevos miembros. Ante la necesidad de conocer mas acerca de su enemigo, Bruce Wayne revive uno de su viejos alteregos, Matches Malone, y lo utiliza para reencontrarse sus contactos y así lograr infiltrase en Leviathan.
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| - * Bully and Fry are based on [[w:c:britishcomics:Bully Beef and Chips
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| - Mike Marts
- Rickey Purdin
- Brian Smith
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| - Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
* Grimm Brothers Syndicate
* Tippy Treeside
* The Web of Leviathan
** , , , , , , , , , El Gaucho, The Hood, , , , , , , Ouroboros, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
** Grimm Brothers' Syndicate HQ
** Three Eyed Jack's
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| - Mike Marts
- Rickey Purdin
- Brian Smith
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| - Nathan Fairbairn
- Chris Burnham
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Executive Editor
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| - Batman Incorporated Vol 2 0
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| - Leviathan is on the march. By placing operatives as supply teachers in destitute neighbourhoods, cops in the GCPD, and social workers and judges in the civil service, they have the means to steal children, using the machinery of Gotham to grind up the citizens, leaving Leviathan to devour the city from within.
Meanwhile, at a bar called Three Eyed Jack's, former Grimm Brother Syndicate member Fry is meeting up with an old contact: the fast-talking Gotham criminal known as "Matches" Malone. Malone boasts to Fry about his contacts, but then admits that he wants a meet with Leviathan. Fry can supply him, through his friends in the Grimm Brothers Syndicate. Halfway through the meeting, Malone decides to help the chanteuse, Lumina Lux, deal with some goons. Malone introduces his crew, purportedly the scariest gang of malcontents this side of Blackgate Prison, which causes the goons to back off. Matches proceeds to hit on the singer, who mentions her next job singing at the Grimm Brothers' wake, but is interrupted by none other than the Batman, who threatens his personal safety.
Next day, at the Batcave, Batman is reviewing notes on the deaths of the Grimm Brothers, who he suspects were murdered so that Leviathan could take over their operation. He commends Nightwing on his turn as Batman the night before. As they talk, they are interrupted by Damian, still stewing that he had to fake his death to avoid Leviathan's bounty on his head, and Alfred, who confirms that Bat-Cow has an artificially-induced hormone, which, if it had gone to make burgers for the new Dark Tower burger chain, would have dosed customers with the primer chemical for Leviathan's mind-control drug, which seems to be based on the work of Professor Pyg. Batman brings up a mind-map of every case and adventure of the last few years, which forms a web with Leviathan at the centre. Something big is coming, and Damian notes that alone, Batman will be vulnerable.
That night, at Three Eyed Jack's, Matches Malone is having a word with the cabbie-slash-super-assassin known as Goatboy. Goatboy explains that he killed Robin for the money, but Leviathan demands loyalty from its servants, and twice weekly they sacrifice a goat to Kali at meetings. Matches Malone asks after the singer, then leaves, changing into Batman in a prepared cab. However, he gets a phone call from Lumina Lux on Matches Malone's cellphone, saying the wake has taken a turn for the weird and asking for his help. Batman decides to gatecrash the wake as Matches.
At the Batcave, Damian has been building something. When Alfred comes in to see what, he is subdued by knockout gas. Damian takes this as his chance to debut his new costumed identity...
Matches Malone arrives at the wake, only to be ambushed by the goons from the bar, who put a plastic bag on his head to suffocate him. Goatboy steps out of the shadows, revealing that part of his initiation into the League of Assassins is to choose three people to be killed by Leviathan as "goats", on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fry was the first. Matches Malone will be the second.
Outside the building, meanwhile, a guard is incapacitated. And another. And another. By the time they release the hounds, they have been breached by Gotham's newest protector... the Dark Squire... Redbird!
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- Batman Incorporated Vol 2 3 Variant.jpg
| - Back off, muchachos. You're tangling with a master of karate.
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| - Poco a poco, Leviathan se ido infiltrando en cada una de las instituciones predominante en ciudad Gótica, como las escuelas, la policía y los juzgados, para esparcir su ideología y así comenzar a reclutar nuevos miembros. Ante la necesidad de conocer mas acerca de su enemigo, Bruce Wayne revive uno de su viejos alteregos, Matches Malone, y lo utiliza para reencontrarse sus contactos y así lograr infiltrase en Leviathan. thumb|left|306pxEn uno de los viejo bares pertenecientes a los hermanos Grimm, Matches se reúne con viejo contacto en busca de información, pero al ver que la cantante del bar es agredida por los guardias de seguridad, su instinto natural aflora y la salva junto a su banda de criminales. La mujer, llamada Lumina Lex, le cuenta un poco de su historia, pero de repente aparece Batman advirtiéndole a Matches de que no haga nada sospechoso en su ciudad. En la baticueva se revela que el Batman que apareció detrás de Matches no era otro que Dick Grayson disfrazo. Allí también están Alfred Pennyworth y Damian Wayne, quien no fue asesinado en realidad. Para evitar que los asesinos siguieran persiguiéndolo, Bruce ideo el plan de fingir la muerte de su hijo. Pero mientra él sale para continuar hurgando en sus contactos, Damian es, para su desagrado, obligado a permanece en la cueva. Matches logra dar con Goatboy y obtiene la información de donde podrían estar escondiéndose los miembros de Leviathan, pero en el ínterin es llamado por Lumina Lux, quien le pide ayuda. Ella se encuentra en el funeral de Grimm, pero el lugar en realidad parece una fiesta a la que han asistido mucha gente rara. Bruce cambia de planes y le pide a Alfred que contacte a Damian y que actúen como su soporte comunicacional. Pero al llegar al lugar de la escena, Matches cae en una trampa tendida por los miembros de Leviathan, con el objetivo de ahorcarlo y así permitirle entrar a Goatboy a La Liga de los Asesinos. Por su parte, Damian no obedece las ordenes de su padre y sale en su ayuda; sabiendo que la comunidad criminal cree que Robin esta muerto, decide adoptar una nueva identidad: Redbird. El nuevo héroe logra llegar hasta el lugar donde esta su padre y así desatar un batalla contra todos los que se pongan en su camino. Categoría:Batman Inc (Volumen 2) Categoría:Comic