| - harry potter
- right|350px Sony PlayStation (PS1) är en CD-baserad TV-spelskonsol tillverkad av Sony och introducerad i Japan den 3 december 1994. Vid utvecklingen hade konsolen kodnamnet "Playstation X", där förkortningen PSX i vissa fall levt kvar. Denna spelkonsol blev en succé och sålde mer än 100 000 exemplar redan första veckan och fram till och med juni 2005 hade 100 miljoner Playstation-enheter levererats. En omarbetad modell benämnd PSOne introducerades 1999, vilken prestandamässigt var identisk med Sony Playstation men hade en ny och kompaktare design.
- La PlayStation (プレイステーション, Purei Sutēshon) est une console de jeux vidéos de cinquième génération, produite par Sony Computer Entertainment de 1994 à 2006. C'est la première machine de la gamme PlayStation. thumb|La Playstation première du nom
- The Playstation is a games console and the first in its series. Several Kamen Rider Series video games were released on the console.
- La PlayStation è stata la prima console sviluppata da Sony, lanciata nel 1994. Il suo successore è la PlayStation 2.
- The PlayStation is a video game console that only uses a little amount of bytes and pixles.
- The PlayStation (officially abbreviated PS) is a series of video game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. With consoles in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth generation, the brand was first introduced in 1994. The brand consists of a total of three home consoles, a media center, an online service, a line of controllers, two handhelds and a phone, as well as multiple magazines.
- Playstation, one of the biggest video game companies in history. Is rivals against Xbox/Microsoft. Started back in 1995 with the PS1.
- The PlayStation (officially abbreviated as PS and more commonly known as PS1) is a 32-bit video game console released by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, 1994. The console was released in North America and Europe in September 1995. The PlayStation was the first of the PlayStation series of consoles and handheld game devices. As part of the fifth-generation of gaming, it primarily competed with the Nintendo 64 and the Sega Saturn. In 2000, a re-designed "slim" version called the PSone was released, replacing the original grey console and named appropriately to avoid confusion with its successor, the PlayStation 2.
- For full details see: [1]
- En PlayStation var en spelkonsol från Jorden, och vanligtvis används som en aktivitet av Tau'ri. En PlayStation gavs till de yngre klon av Jack O'Neill för att fördriva tiden, medan resten av teamet behandlade honom som barn. Under 2006, Överstelöjtnant Cameron Mitchell förde ett PlayStation med honom att leka med sin långa tid vän Bryce Ferguson, som var på sjukhus med diagnosen ett aneurysm från en bit av granatsplitter i hans hjärna. (SG1: "Fragile Balance", "Stronghold")
- PlayStation or PS1 is a home game console released by Sony in 1994.
- Die PlayStation (jap. Katakana: プレイステーション Romaji: Pureisuteeshon) ist eine Spielkonsole des Unternehmens Sony, die 1994 erstmals verkauft und deren Herstellung 2006 nach zwölf Jahren Verkaufszeitraum endgültig eingestellt wurde. Mit Ken Kutaragi als Vorsitzendem der eigens dafür gegründeten Tochtergesellschaft Sony Computer Entertainment avancierte die PlayStation zur zweit-erfolgreichsten stationären Konsole aller Zeiten (102 Millionen verkaufte Exemplare weltweit, nur übertroffen vom eigenen Nachfolger PlayStation 2) und stürzte im Bereich Heimkonsolen den einstigen Marktführer Nintendo vom Thron.
- Die Playstation, kurz PSX, gehört zu den Spielekonsolen der 5. Generation und ist die erste eigene Konsole aus dem Haus Sony. Für die PSX erschien nur ein Spiel der Harvest Moon Serie, welches in zwei Versionen erschien:
* Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
* Harvest Moon for Girls - nur Japan
- harry potter
- Playstation is a brand of video game consoles produced by Sony. The Playstation first became available in 1994 with updated versions released in subsequent years, the Playstation 2 was first released in 2000, and the Playstation 3 in 2006. The Playstation Portable (PSP), a hand-held console, was released in 2004. Star Trek games were released for all four consoles. While the Playstations 2 and 3 could play DVD and Blu Ray respectively, the feature film Star Trek Nemesis was also released on UMD (Universal Media Disc), a format used solely by the PSP.
- Die PlayStation ist eine Spielkonsole des Unternehmens Sony, welche 1994 erstmals verkauft und deren Herstellung 2006 nach zwölf Jahren Verkaufszeitraum endgültig eingestellt wurde. Mit Ken Kutaragi als Vorsitzendem der eigens dafür gegründeten Tochtergesellschaft Sony Computer Entertainment avancierte die PlayStation zur zweit-erfolgreichsten stationären Konsole aller Zeiten (102 Millionen verkaufte Exemplare weltweit, nur übertroffen vom eigenen Nachfolger PlayStation 2), und stürzte im Bereich Heimkonsolen den einstigen Marktführer Nintendo vom Thron. Allgemeines: Nachfolger: Playstation 2
- Die PlayStation (oft abgekürzt Ps1) ist die erste Videospiel-Konsole von Sony.
- The PlayStation (abbreviated PS) brand is a line of video game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was first introduced by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, 1994.
- A PlayStation was a games console from Earth, and generally used as an activity by the Tau'ri. A PlayStation was given to the younger clone of Jack O'Neill to pass the time, while the rest of the team treated him as a kid. (SG1: "Fragile Balance") In 2006, Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell brought a PlayStation with him to play with his long time friend Bryce Ferguson, who was in hospital diagnosed with an aneurysm from a piece of shrapnel in his brain. (SG1: "Stronghold")
- It was initially set to be an add-on for Nintendo's Super Nintendo Entertainment System as an answer to Sega's Sega CD. When the prospect of releasing the system as an add-on dissolved, Sony transformed it into the PlayStation video game console. The PSone (also PSone, or PS1) was a smaller and redesigned version, released in 2000. Sony also released a small LCD screen and an adapter to power the unit for use in cars. The PSone is fully compatible with all PlayStation software.
- The PlayStation, also known as PS, PS1 or PSX, is a 32 bit console released in 1994. It housed the first five Crash Bandicoot games. It was succeeded by the PlayStation 2 in 2000. To give their games better graphics, Naughty Dog hacked the PlayStation.
- thumb Playstation es una videoconsola de sobremesa de 32 bits lanzada por Sony Computer Entertainment el 3 de diciembre de 1994 en Japón. Se considera la videoconsola más exitosa de la quinta generación tanto en ventas como en popularidad.
- The PlayStation (abbreviated PS, PSone, PS1, or informally as PSX) is a 32-bit fifth generation video game console released by Sony Computer Entertainment in December 1994. It is succeeded by the PlayStation 2 in 2000 and PlayStation 3 in 2006. PSOne devkits were only $4,000 [1] Sony stopped producing the console in early 2006, 12 years after its release.[2]
- PlayStation (PS, PSOne, or PSX PS1) is a 5th generation 32-bit game console created by Sony, it was first released December 3, 1994 in Japan and later released September 9, 1995 to North America. The abbreviation 'PSX' is often used, though a PSX is an advanced Playstation 2 system which was only available in Japan.
- Die PlayStation (auch PSX oder PSOne genannt), die Playstation2 (PS2, nicht zu Verwechseln mit dem Stöpsel für Maus und Tastatur) und die kürzlich auch in Europa erschienene PlayStation 3 sind eine Reihe von Spielekonsolen aus dem Hause Sony. Man schließt sie über diverse Kabel an den häuslichen Fernseher um die Langeweile zu bekämpfen oder anzugeben. Manche Menschen behaupten, bei Videospielen handle es sich um eine Form von Kunst, wesentlich klügere Menschen, die noch nie Videospiele gespielt haben, entlarvten diese Behauptung als Unsinn.
- The Sony PlayStation was a fifth-generation videogame console produced during the mid-1990s. Along with the Sega Saturn, it was the videogame console for The Lost World: Jurassic Park. It is also the console for Warpath: Jurassic Park.
- Die Sony PlayStation ist eine Videospielkonsole der 5. Generation in Konkurrenz zum Nintendo 64 und der Sega Saturn.
- The Playstation, a home game console released by Sony, was one of the first systems that helped shape video gaming today. It was followed by the Playstation 2 then the PlayStation 3.
- thumb|Eine PlayStation-Konsole Für die PlayStation (jap. プレイステーション) erschienen viele Final Fantasys. Die PlayStation wurde etwa 102,5 Millionen mal weltweit verkauft.
- La PlayStation o (conocida también como PS1 o PSX) es una videoconsola de la compañía Sony Computer Entertainment. Es la primera consola de la línea PlayStation, su sucesora es la PlayStation 2. La consola oficialmente fue lanzada en 1994 y fue descontinuada en 2005.
- The Playstation series is a line of video game consoles developed and sold by Sony inc.
- The PlayStation (abbreviated PSX, PSone, or PS1) is a fifth-generation video game console manufactured by Sony. Dudley Dursley threw his out the window in the summer of 1994, because his parents threatened to cut his allowance if he didn't stop sneaking unhealthy food while on a diet. As such, he was unable to play Mega-Mutilation Part Three, a game for this console.
- PlayStation (oficialmente abreviado PS, conocido coloquialmente como PS1 y PSX) es la primera videoconsola de Sony. Fue rival de la Sega Saturn y la Nintendo 64. Fue lanzada en Japón, el 3 de Diciembre de 1994. Llego a Estados Unidos, el 9 de Septiembre de 1995 y el 29 de Septiembre (20 días después) a Europa. Fue descontinuada mundialmente el 2006. Fue una de las consolas mas exitosas tanto en ventas como en popularidad, alcanzando las 102 millones de unidades vendidas.
- Μια επαναστατική κυκλοφορία της Sony που κυκλοφόρησε το 1942 την μεσοπολέμια περίοδο. Φήμες λένε ότι χρησιμοποιήθηκε και σαν μηχανή βασανιστηρίων τον Β' Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο. Το Playstation επίσης φημολογείται ότι προέρχεται από εξωγήινες φυλές με την κωδική ονομασία Ξ.Μ.Α.Χ.Ο (Ξεκολιάρικα Μαλακισμένα Ανώμαλα Χεσμένα Όντα) όμως τίποτα δεν αποδείχτηκε ακόμα αφού όταν ο Μάκης Τριανταφυλλόπουλος είχε βρει της απόρρητες πληροφορίες στο γραφείο του Ομπάμια εκείνος τον πήρε είδηση και έβαλε στον κώλο του τις μυστικές πληροφορίες κι έτσι εξαϋλώθηκαν αυτόματα.
- As of this posting, there are 3 versions of the playstation:
* Playstation
* Playstation 2
* Playstation 3
* Playstation 4
- La PlayStation (o PS1) es una consola creada por Sony. A continuación, algunos videojuegos creados para esta plataforma:
* Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
* Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles
* Star Wars: Dark Forces
* Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire
* Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi
* Star Wars: Demolition
- 'PlayStation (oficialmente abreviada como PS, también llamada PS1), es una videoconsola de sobremesa de 32 bits, lanzada por Sony Computer Entertainment el 3 de diciembre de 1994 en Japón. La consola fue pionera en el empleo del CD-ROM como soporte de almacenamiento para sus juegos, prescindiendo de los cartuchos convencionales que eran usados en la mayoría de videoconsolas de la época. Sin embargo, no fue la primera consola que usara CD-ROM ya que la Amiga CD32 incorporó previamente dicho adelanto. PlayStation se considera la videoconsola más exitosa de la quinta generación tanto en ventas, como en popularidad. Además de la original se lanzaron dos versiones más, la Net Yaroze y la PSone. Tuvo gran éxito en emplear el CD-ROM dentro de su hardware, a pesar de que otras compañías ya lo habí
- The PlayStation (often abbreviated PS, PSone, or PS1, and informally as the PSX) is a 32-bit video game console of the fifth generation that was first released by Sony Computer Entertainment in December 1994.
- Image:PSlogo.png The Playstation is a video game console of the fifth generation, first produced by Sony Computer Entertainment in the mid-1990s, it was a 32-bit system. The original Playstation was the first of the ubiquitous Playstation series of console and hand-held game devices, which has included successor consoles and upgrades including the Net Yaroze (a special black PS with tools and instructions to program PS games and applications), PSone (a smaller version of the original), PocketStation (a handheld which enhances PS games and acts as a memory card), Playstation 2, a revised, slimline PS2, Playstation Portable (a handheld gaming console), PSX (Japan only) (a media center, DVR and DVD recorder based on the PS2), and Playstation 3. By March 2005, the PlayStation/PSone had shipped
- PlayStation zag het levenslicht in 1994 en kwam voort uit een mislukte samenwerking met Nintendo om een nieuwe console te fabriceren. Het ontwerp is van Ken Kutaragi. In die tijd was console gaming minder populair dan nu. Een van PlayStations doelstellingen was om het gamen populair te maken; om ervoor te zorgen dat gamen iets normaals werd dat bij het leven hoort. De Playstation is ook bekend onder de naam PSX (tot 2003, toen de Playstation Extreme werd geïntroduceerd) of PS1.
- It was initially set to be an add-on for Nintendo's Super Nintendo Entertainment System as an answer to Sega's Sega CD. When the prospect of releasing the system as an add-on dissolved, Sony transformed it into the PlayStation video game console. Ironically the game system that was suppose to help Nintendo hindered them instead since the Final Fantasy games from VII onwards were released on the Sony Platform instead of the successor of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System the Nintendo 64 due to space restraints and other technological hindrances.
- El PlayStation (abreviado PS1, PSOne y también PSX) fue la primera videoconsola de sobremesa desarrollada por Sony, creada a mediados de los años 90. Esta consola es pionera en el empleo del CD-ROM como soporte de almacenamiento para sus juegos, prescindiendo de los cartuchos convencionales que utilizaba Nintendo y Sega.
- Sony president Miruna Shartz entered a business deal with famed game developer Nintendo. The deal was that, if Sony provided Nintendo with exclusive use of Sony's trademark media drives, then they would develop a game console, and Sony would get their names listed in white, size 22 font on the console's white instruction manual. Sony saw this as a great opportunity for business, so they accepted. However, after failing to meet the requirements of $69K payment, Nintendo ditched Sony.
- thumb|right|110px|PlayStation (вверху), PSone (внизу). PlayStation (в процессе разработки называвшаяся PlayStation EXperimental, или PSX) - первая игровая видеоконсоль компании Sony, выпущенная в 1994 г. Она очень быстро стала популярной и была бестселлером для своего времени, хотя следующая консоль компании, PlayStation 2, продавалась еще лучше.
- Początkowo, PlayStation miało być dodatkiem do konsoli Super Nintendo Entertainment System firmy Nintendo, jako odpowiedź na Sega CD firmy Sega. Kiedy plany wydania tego systemu jako dodatek legły w gruzach, Sony przekształciło go w samodzielną konsolę gier wideo - PlayStation. Ironicznie, system, który miał wesprzeć Nintendo, przeszkodził firmie, gdyż gry z serii Final Fantasy, począwszy od części siódmej, zaczęły być wydawane na platformę Sony zamiast na następcę Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64, z powodu ograniczeń pamięciowych oraz innych technologicznych utrudnień dotykających konsolę Nintendo.
- It was initially set to be an add-on for Nintendo's Super Nintendo Entertainment System as an answer to Sega's Sega CD. When the prospect of releasing the system as an add-on dissolved, Sony transformed it into the PlayStation video game console. Ironically the game system that was supposed to help Nintendo hindered them instead since the Final Fantasy games from VII onwards were released on the Sony platform instead of the successor of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the Nintendo 64 due to space restraints and other technological hindrances.
- The PlayStation(Japanese:プレイステーションHepburn:Pureisutēshon, officially abbreviated PS) is a series of video game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. With consoles in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth generation, the brand was first introduced on December 3, 1994 in Japan. The brand consists of a total of three home consoles, a media center, an online service, a line of controllers, two handhelds and a phone, as well as multiple magazines.
- The PlayStation was the first video game console released by Sony. Released in 1994 as part of the fifth generation of gaming, it competed primarily against the Nintendo 64 and the Sega Saturn as well as the 3DO and Atari Jaguar. The console was originally conceived as a CD add-on for Nintendo's SNES (similar to the Sega CD for the Genesis), but the deal between Sony and Nintendo fell through for various reasons. This led to the creation of the PlayStation console as well as a brief but dismal collaboration between Nintendo and Philips.
- The PlayStation (known early in development as the PlayStation EXperimental, or PSX) was Sony's first video-game console and it was launched in 1994. The system was widely popular and quickly became the bestselling home console, only to be surpassed by its successor, the PlayStation 2. The PSone (also PSOne, or PS1) was a smaller and redesigned version, released in 2000. Sony also released a small LCD screen and an adapter to power the unit for use in cars. The PSone is fully compatible with all PlayStation software.
- Die PlayStation (jap. Katakana: プレイステーション Romaji: Pureisuteeshon) ist eine Spielkonsole des Unternehmens Sony, welche 1994 erstmals verkauft und deren Herstellung 2006 nach zwölf Jahren Verkaufszeitraum endgültig eingestellt wurde. Mit Ken Kutaragi als Vorsitzendem der eigens dafür gegründeten Tochtergesellschaft Sony Computer Entertainment avancierte die PlayStation zur zweit-erfolgreichsten stationären Konsole aller Zeiten (102 Millionen verkaufte Exemplare weltweit, nur übertroffen vom eigenen Nachfolger PlayStation 2), und stürzte im Bereich Heimkonsolen den einstigen Marktführer Nintendo vom Thron.
- The PlayStation (abbreviated PS, PSone, PS1, or informally as PSX) is a 32-bit fifth generation video game console released by Sony Computer Entertainment in December 1994. The PlayStation was the first of the ubiquitous PlayStation series of console and handheld game devices. Successor consoles and upgrades include the Net Yaroze, PS one, PocketStation, PlayStation 2 (PS2), a revised slimline PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable (PSP), a revised PlayStation Portable Slim and Lite, another revised PSP 3000, PSX, and the PlayStation 3 (PS3) (20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB, and 160GB (PS3 'Slim' 120GB and 250GB). On March 31, 2005, the PlayStation and PS one reached a combined total of 102.49 million units shipped, becoming the first video game console to reach the 100 million mark. As of July 20, 20
- The PlayStation (officially abbreviated the PS) is a fifth generation video game console manufactured by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was launched in Japan on December 3, 1994 and in North America and Europe on September 1995. It was the first in SCE's ubiquitous PlayStation brand of gaming consoles, followed by the PlayStation 2 in 2000. The original PlayStation was discontinued a decade after its launch on March 31, 2005, having shipped a total of 102.49 million units, being the first video game console to pass the 100 million mark.
- Modelo PSone|thumb PlayStation también conocida como PSX o PSone, fue la primera consola de Sony lanzada allá por el año 1994 en Japón. Fue la primera videoconsola en usar con éxito el formato CD-ROM como soporte de almacenamiento para sus juegos, prescindiendo de los cartuchos convencionales que venían usando Nintendo y Sega. Otras consolas que tenían soporte para CD, como el Mega-CD o el Neo Geo CD de SNK, no tuvieron la gran acogida que tuvo la consola de Sony. El gran éxito de ventas que tuvo solo fue superado por su sucesor, PlayStation 2.
- PlayStation — название грандиозного плана японских монархистов из бывшей династии сёгунов, возглавляемых некой Соней, по устранению императора Японии Дарт Херохито и приобретению мирового господства. На сегодняшний день существуют целых 4 версии данного плана.
* План Первый — PlayStation, PSX, PSOne. Цель данного плана — внедрение во вражескую сферу влияния. Первый план оказался очень удачным. В первую неделю было захвачено около 500 000 регионов по всему миру. К концу 20-ого века было захвачено более 1 000 000 регионов по всему миру. В 2000 году семья Sony приступила к плану «БЭ».
- thumb La Playstation (a menudo abreviado PS, PSone o Ps1, e informalmente como PSX) es una consola de videojuegos de 32 bits de la quinta generación, que fue lanzada por primera vez por Sony Computer Entertaiment (SCE) en diciembre de 1994. La consola fue una de las primeras en soportar gráficos en 3D reales, usar un Cd como medio para distribuir los juegos, y la posibilidad de contar con sonido en alta calidad gracias a las capacidades del Cd. Entre los grandes juegos que hicieron su primera aparición en esta consola, además de Metal Gear Solid, podemos mencionar a las sagas de terror Resident Evil y Silent Hill o a la saga de conducción Gran Turismo.
- The PlayStation's creation was a bumpy ride. It began as a CD drive for the SNES, but Nintendo noticed too late that the contract was too favorable to Sony, jumped ship, and went to bed with Philips (which ultimately led to the creation of the infamous CD-i). Publicly scorned and fuming with resentment, Sony decided to take what they had at that point and make their own console. Many expected it to be an also-ran, at most a distant third place. Yet the angry newcomer came out swinging and crushed the competition, leaving them asking: what the hell just happened?
- PlayStation (Japanese: プレイステーション Hepburn: Pureisutēshon?, officially abbreviated PS) is a series of video game consoles created and owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The brand was first introduced on December 3, 1994 in Japan with the launch of the original PlayStation console. It now consists of four home consoles, as well as a media center, an online service, a line of controllers, two handhelds and a phone, as well as multiple magazines.
- The Playstation was a brand of games console, popular on Earth in the 2000s and 2010s. In 2007, a cabbie commented to Melanie Bush that bedtime stories weren't read by as much people as they used to due to "Nintendos and Playstation" in the room. (AUDIO: Unregenerate!) Mickey Smith apparently learned how to fly a zeppelin on a Playstation console. (TV: The Age of Steel) When the artificial intelligence Mr White was revealed to be a Qetesh games console, Clyde Langer compared him to a Playstation. (TV: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith) Playstation 9 was released by 2020. (AUDIO: House of Blue Fire)
- Sony's first foray into the video game market, the PlayStation (codenamed PSX during development, currently called PSone), was initially set to be an add-on for Nintendo's Super Nintendo Entertainment System (a.k.a. Super Famicom) video game console as an answer to Sega's Sega CD. When the prospect of releasing the system as an add-on dissolved, Sony transformed it into the PlayStation video game console. The PlayStation was released in Japan on December 3, 1994 and later in North America on September 9, 1995. The system was widely popular and quickly became the best selling home console to date, only to be passed by its successor the PlayStation 2.