| - The Armageddon-class is a relatively recent innovation within the Imperial Navy. They are constructed from the hulks of ruined Lunar-class Cruisers, upgunned, upgraded and recommissioned into battle anew. The Lunar-class is ubiquitous amongst all Segmentum fleets, and frequently involved in shattering conflicts, so the opportunity to construct these Battlecruisers arises often. Given their extensively redesigned power relays and enhanced weapon systems, they are more demanding in terms of manpower and resources than the Lunar-class, and so are rarely constructed from scratch, but hard-pressed battlefleets are quick to utilise them where they are available. When converting a Lunar-class Cruiser into an Armageddon-class Battlecruiser, power relays are re-routed from the starship's main plasm
| - The Armageddon-class is a relatively recent innovation within the Imperial Navy. They are constructed from the hulks of ruined Lunar-class Cruisers, upgunned, upgraded and recommissioned into battle anew. The Lunar-class is ubiquitous amongst all Segmentum fleets, and frequently involved in shattering conflicts, so the opportunity to construct these Battlecruisers arises often. Given their extensively redesigned power relays and enhanced weapon systems, they are more demanding in terms of manpower and resources than the Lunar-class, and so are rarely constructed from scratch, but hard-pressed battlefleets are quick to utilise them where they are available. When converting a Lunar-class Cruiser into an Armageddon-class Battlecruiser, power relays are re-routed from the starship's main plasma reactors to provide significantly increased range to its existing weapons batteries and Lances, and additional long-range Lance turret arrays are added to a reinforced dorsal spine. The result of this transfomation is a warship with a powerful medium-and-long-range punch, though at the cost of adding over three thousand more crewmen to man the new Lances and maintain the short-lived relays that power them. Given their large crews and the fact that Lunar-class hulls were never really designed to carry such heavy weaponry, Armageddons are surprisingly cramped and uncomfortable vessels for their size, making them poorly suited for long-term exploration, but few Rogue Traders can argue with the raw firepower they bring to bear if they are lucky enough to get their hands on such a powerful warship.