| - An X-rated Visual Novel released by Triangle in 2009. The story centers around a war between Destona, an expansionist empire, and Furoia, the latest country on their to-conquer list. Destona seems to have the upper hand, with a massive conventional force supplemented with tentacle monsters, but Furoia has an ace in the hole in form of the Madou Souhei, magical girls equipped with Powered Armors. The game follows Franz Felsner as he joins the Furoia Army's special Madou Souhei unit, the 502nd Independent Company, and romances the various women in the unit while fighting off Destona's forces.
| - An X-rated Visual Novel released by Triangle in 2009. The story centers around a war between Destona, an expansionist empire, and Furoia, the latest country on their to-conquer list. Destona seems to have the upper hand, with a massive conventional force supplemented with tentacle monsters, but Furoia has an ace in the hole in form of the Madou Souhei, magical girls equipped with Powered Armors. The game follows Franz Felsner as he joins the Furoia Army's special Madou Souhei unit, the 502nd Independent Company, and romances the various women in the unit while fighting off Destona's forces. Madou Souhei Kleinhasa contains examples of:
* A-Cup Angst: Belcelica, but only when Elfreida brings it up.
* Artistic License Military
* This is an X-rated VN, so the standard "no fraternization between officers and enlisted" rule gets ignored in some scenes (the lowest ranked girl the player, a private first class, can have sex with is a sergeant, and even that would be frowned upon in real life).
* The translations for ranks are a bit odd in cases. In Japanese, Llun and Noie are called jun'i (warrant officer), but in German, it's given as Stabsfeldwebel (NATO OR-8), making them senior sergeants.
* Even by the usually lax standards for female military character hair length in fiction, Roze and Llun take the cake, with Llun's hair extending to the small of her back and Roze's hair going almost to her knees.
* Bifauxnen: Belcelica.
* The Captain / A Father To His Men: Belcelica is the Distaff Counterpart.
* Combat Tentacles: The primary function of the Destona Army's Kishinhei (Demon Quake Troops)
* Naughty Tentacles: The secondary function of the Kishinhei.
* Covert Pervert: Elfreida has a...rather active imagination.
* The Engineer: Franz and Nicora are both Mechanics (Franz for the powered armors, Nicora for the conventional vehicles).
* Everything's Better with Princesses: Llun, although she does become the queen of Ramsheid in her good ending.
* Eyepatch of Power: Belcelica
* First-Name Basis: When they first meet, Roze insists that Franz call her by her first name sans honorifics, rather than as "Sergeant Lilienthal". She's on a first name basis with pretty much everyone else in the 502nd, except for Belcelica.
* Friendly Sniper: Noie. She's a quiet person both on and off the battlefield, but she's no Cold Sniper.
* Gratuitous German: The characters all have pseudo-German names, and the game's official website also has a lot of examples. Even the name Kleinhasa is a corruption of the German for "little bunny" (Kleiner Hase). During the free talk sessions, several of the actresses joked about how hard it was to pronounce their characters' names.
* Improbable Age: Lampshaded by Franz when he first met Belcelica. Justified in that Furoia is a bit hard up on manpower.
* Improbably-Female Cast: Lampshaded by Franz.
* Magical Girl: Specificallly, Magical Girl Warriors who use Powered Armors.
* Meaningful Name: Roze takes her last name from German aviation pioneer Otto Lilienthal.
* The Medic: Elfreida
* Mildly Military: The 502nd is often like this. Justified, since they're an ad-hoc unit of elite soldiers and highly qualified civilians thrown together to fight the bad guys.
* Mission Control: Franz is this to Roze and Llun.
* Multiple Endings: To use the definitions on the trope page, there are two Good Ends, two Normal Ends and several Poor Ends but no real Bad Ends.
* Nice Girl: Roze.
* Oba-san: In one ending, the children Roze is caring for call her this once Franz proposes to her in front of them.
* Ojou: Llun, the princess of Ramsheid, one of Destona's earlier conquests.
* Petting Zoo People: The extensions on the Powered Armors used by Roze and Llun look a lot like rabbit ears. The hangar for said Powered Armors is even called the rabbit hutch by the troops, and the game's title is based on a corruption of the German for "little bunny".
* Powered Armor
* Putting on the Reich: Good guy example. The Furoian uniforms draw heavily from the German army's World War Two uniforms. On the other hand, Destonan enlisted troops appear to wear olive drab, while their officers wear Soviet style uniforms.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Roze (normally gold) and Llun's (normally blue) eyes turn red when they're using their Powered Armors.
* Rich Bitch: Llun starts out as one of these, before developing some character.
* Spell My Name with an "S": The only things that get official romanizations are the names of the female characters. Franz's name, the names of the countries and cities, and other romanizations are based on best guesses.
* Squad Nickname: The 502nd Independent Company, aka the Tiger Lilies.
* Standard Hero Reward: In Llun's good ending, she pops the question to Franz. Justified somewhat in that she's the only member of the Ramsheid royal family left after the war.
* Strapped to An Operating Table: Happens to Roze in one of the bad ends.
* Sugar and Ice Personality: Noie in a nutshell. She's avoids unnecessary chitchat on duty, but is absolutely adorable around cats.
* Tank Goodness: Nicora's power allows her to control several tanks at once.
* Voice for The Voiceless: Nicora often fills this role for Noie.
* Where Are They Now? Epilogue: In the endings that don't have everyone being raped to death by tentacles, Franz narrates whats happens to each member of the cast.