| - El número (957) es el número natural que sigue al 956 y precede al 958. Categoría:Números
- Katja ist erschüttert, dass Claudia Roman erpresst hat, um ihre sportlichen Entscheidungen bei Katja durchzusetzen. Claudia leugnet, sieht aber ihre Felle davonschwimmen, als Katja Roman fragen will. Katja wird durch Roman klar, dass Claudias Mutterliebe eine einzige Lüge ist. Tief verletzt bricht sie mit ihrer Mutter. Und in ihrer Verzweiflung überschreitet sie selbst die Grenzen zu Ben. Axel und Jenny versuchen, ihren ramponierten Ruf in der Öffentlichkeit wiederherzustellen. Axel erwirkt einen Widerrufsartikel über die scheinbare Ehefarce mit Jenny und posiert für die gestellten Fotos ungewohnt freizügig. Die heißen Fotos verfehlen ihre Wirkung nicht. Als Marian in der Villa auftaucht und von Axel provoziert wird, brennen eifersüchtig die Sicherungen durch. Florian arbeitet hart an sein
- Willie and Maggie are trapped in the tower room as they hear the Leviathan creature breathing outside the door. The breathing suddenly stops and the creature turns back into Jeb. He screams at something and runs away. The key unlocks by itself and the door mysteriously opens. Maggie is skeptical, but Willie uses the opportunity as a chance to escape. Upstairs in Josette's room, Maggie tells Julia she worries that Elizabeth and Amy know she isn't a Leviathan. She asks Julia who could have turned the key to allow her and Willie to escape.
| - Katja ist erschüttert, dass Claudia Roman erpresst hat, um ihre sportlichen Entscheidungen bei Katja durchzusetzen. Claudia leugnet, sieht aber ihre Felle davonschwimmen, als Katja Roman fragen will. Katja wird durch Roman klar, dass Claudias Mutterliebe eine einzige Lüge ist. Tief verletzt bricht sie mit ihrer Mutter. Und in ihrer Verzweiflung überschreitet sie selbst die Grenzen zu Ben. Axel und Jenny versuchen, ihren ramponierten Ruf in der Öffentlichkeit wiederherzustellen. Axel erwirkt einen Widerrufsartikel über die scheinbare Ehefarce mit Jenny und posiert für die gestellten Fotos ungewohnt freizügig. Die heißen Fotos verfehlen ihre Wirkung nicht. Als Marian in der Villa auftaucht und von Axel provoziert wird, brennen eifersüchtig die Sicherungen durch. Florian arbeitet hart an seinem Eishockeytraum, zumal er die meisten Teammitglieder für Versager hält. Als die Zusage für das Qualifikationsspiel eintrudelt, besteht Florian auf einheitlicher Ausrüstung für das Team. Ingo zieht ihm den Zahn, da Axel keine Kohle locker machen wird. Doch Florian gibt nicht auf.
- El número (957) es el número natural que sigue al 956 y precede al 958. Categoría:Números
- Willie and Maggie are trapped in the tower room as they hear the Leviathan creature breathing outside the door. The breathing suddenly stops and the creature turns back into Jeb. He screams at something and runs away. The key unlocks by itself and the door mysteriously opens. Maggie is skeptical, but Willie uses the opportunity as a chance to escape. At the Old House, Julia gives Barnabas another injection in hopes of curing his vampirism. Barnabas fears the injections are not working, but Julia wants to continue a while longer. He tells Julia he doesn't think it's a good idea that she stays at Collinwood, as Elizabeth and Jeb are onto her. Suddenly, Maggie and Willie show up in the drawing room. Maggie is visibly shaken and Julia takes her upstairs. Willie asks Barnabas what the breathing sounds were and tells him he isn't sure how they were able to escape. Barnabas tells him it's a man named Jeb and he wonders who could have helped them escape. He goes onto mention he is once again a vampire and tells him why he needed to come back to Collinwood. Upstairs in Josette's room, Maggie tells Julia she worries that Elizabeth and Amy know she isn't a Leviathan. She asks Julia who could have turned the key to allow her and Willie to escape. Maggie is still agonizing over what transpired in the tower room. Barnabas soon walks in, and Julia leaves them alone. Maggie asks him if he knows anything, and Barnabas concludes that another Chosen Room must have been made for Jeb to change into his true form. He declares that he must defeat the Leviathans soon to keep Maggie out of harm's way. Downstairs, Julia finishes explaining to Willie why she and Barnabas needs him. Willie wants to help Barnabas, but is hesitant because he is engaged to a woman named Roxanne. Julia is very happy for him, but insists he must stay to help them fight the Leviathans. Unknown to Willie, Barnabas is standing at the top of the stairs and overhears everything. Barnabas, feeling sympathetic, agrees to let Willie leave Collinsport forever and start his own life. Julia is upset with Barnabas's decision, but he says he will have to find help from someone else. Willie goes upstairs to say goodbye to Maggie. He gives her his blessing and tells her to take care of Barnabas and Julia in their battle against the Leviathans. As Julia and Barnabas decide what to do next, Jeb shows up at the Old House. Jeb requests to speak to Barnabas alone. He mocks Julia as she leaves, telling her to go take care of Maggie. Jeb admits he made a mistake turning him into a vampire because of his new powers, and reveals he caused what happened in the hallway near the tower room to make him run off. He promises Barnabas he will destroy him soon, but not before he marries Carolyn, and hastly leaves. Willie returns, and apologizes to Barnabas for leaving him. He leaves the Old House, and Julia comes downstairs. Barnabas tells her that something supernatural scared Jeb away from the tower room. The door bursts open, and Willie returns, saying he will stay to help Barnabas and Julia defeat the Leviathans. Julia returns to Collinwood and decides to go to the tower room to see if she can find any evidence of what may have scared Jeb. She arrives at the tower room and begins to look around. However, Jeb has secretly followed her and demands to know where Barnabas's coffin, or else he will kill her. The unknown spirit appears once again, and Jeb runs off.