| - Armada B. Ultimatus, son of Ordin and Lysa Ultimatus, was born on Talus. Ordin, a cargo pilot, was quite wealthy. Ordin was always shuttling shipments weekly, and was barely home. Ordin was skilled in piloting, as well as firearms. Shuttling cargo was dangerous, because there was always the danger of pirates. While in Talus, Ordin overheard a group of businessmen asking for Shuttle-CXVN34's pilot. Apparently his piloting was very impressive, and word was getting around that he was one of his company's best pilots. They were telling locals that someone wanted Ordin to work for them, permanently, and with a big paycheck. Interested, Ordin told them who he was, and the businessmen told him to pack his things. They were to leave the next morning.
| - Armada B. Ultimatus, son of Ordin and Lysa Ultimatus, was born on Talus. Ordin, a cargo pilot, was quite wealthy. Ordin was always shuttling shipments weekly, and was barely home. Ordin was skilled in piloting, as well as firearms. Shuttling cargo was dangerous, because there was always the danger of pirates. While in Talus, Ordin overheard a group of businessmen asking for Shuttle-CXVN34's pilot. Apparently his piloting was very impressive, and word was getting around that he was one of his company's best pilots. They were telling locals that someone wanted Ordin to work for them, permanently, and with a big paycheck. Interested, Ordin told them who he was, and the businessmen told him to pack his things. They were to leave the next morning. At home, Ordin told his wife, Lysa, that he was being taken afar as a private pilot. He assured her that he would send home more credits than previous years, months, and weeks. The next morning, Ordin, Lysa, and the newborn, Armada, drove to the shuttle port. Seeing him step onto the launchpad, his wife weeped. Ordin asked if his wife, and child, to come along. They were accepted. The family stepped onto the shuttle, along with the businessmen, and began flying to their destination. After speaking on com-link, one of the men told the couple that the newborn could not come along. They were being taken to Telos IV, and a restoration project was being commenced. They told them that raising a baby would be very complicated, since Ordin would be continuously shipping equipment. They told Lysa that she would need to get a job, either as a bartender, or farmer. She would later chose bar tending, but this was not important. A few weeks back, Ordin overheard folks talking of Kaminoans raising babies. Ordin speedily informed Lysa of the idea, and after thirty minutes of conversation, she agreed. They informed the businessmen of the idea of allowing the Kaminoans to raise the baby, and they set courses for Kamino. When they arrived, they were welcomed by the Kaminoans. Luckily, they had docked at a research facility/ laboratory on embryos. The Kaminoan scientist marveled at the idea of researching the human baby, and accepted it. After a few minutes of conversation, Ordin and Lysa, felt good about the baby being in good hands. Apparently, the Kaminoans were skilled medics. Then, the couple, and businessmen, gave a few farewells before stepping on board, and soaring into the stormy skies above. The Kaminoans put the newborn, Armada, into warm blankets, and walked into the medical facility.