| - The Ambulance is a vehicle in Hill Climb Racing. It is the tenth vehicle to be unlocked. It costs 400,000 coins.
- The Ambulance based on the 1992-1996 Ford Econoline. It's a medium sized van capable of carrying four passengers (two in the front, two in the back). It is a special modified version of the Pony.
- The Ambulance is an exclusive item from the Wish Factory. It came out on February 22, 2008 replacing three exclusive with four other new exclusives (including itself). This is one of the exclusives that your pet can ride in. It doesn't make noises. It costs 10 tokens. It can be obtained from the wish factory, or adopting your 2nd+ pet. It retired on November 9th 2011.
- The Ambulance is a premium vehicle decoration. It costs 30 donuts to buy. Like all vehicles, they can not be placed on a Parking Lot.
- The ambulance only appears in Need for Speed: Most Wanted during a cutscene following the player defeating Rog at a circuit race. It also appears in the Nintendo Wii release of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010).
- Medical staff can use the equipment on the Ambulance to heal nearby soldiers or occupants of the ambulance back to fighting condition. Later in the conflict, Ambulances were also able to repair nearby vehicles. Additionally, the Ambulance was immune to radiation and toxins, and could release a foam to clear them up, preventing harm to other units.
- Una llevo a Homero al hospital después de no poder patinar sobre el Springfield Gorge . Esto luego chocó contra un árbol y se deja allí durante algún tiempo, volvió a ver durante los acontecimientos de Trappuccino . Homero brevemente dueño de su propia ambulancia. -En el episidio Bart the Daredevil una ambulancia rescata a homero del Springfield Gorge y choca contra un arbol , por lo que homero vuelve a caer al Gorge -En el episodio Stark Raving Dad una ambulancia traslada a homero al psiquiatrico -
- Ambulance driver Wayne Mitchell drove a route between Timgad and Jacinto City, where he picked up four patients who had Rustlung.
- Add details of the history of the ambulances.
- The Ambulance is based on a Chevrolet C-30, the ambulance looks compact, in the picture you can see that Tony Montana is in a tiny space inside of it, it's much smaller than an actual ambulance. Strangely, the vehicle spawns in the traffic like a normal vehicle, however it is driven by an actual medic and the vehicle spawns when an accident happens in Miami. The ambulance also features sirens like police vehicles, though they have no purpose other than replacing the horn, it does not spawn in Cuba.
- There are 2 versions of the Ambulance.
* The first Ambulance was released in 1970. It was part of the heavyweights line.
* The second Ambulance was released in 1989. It was part of the Workhorses line.
- Virus.DOS.Ambulance is a parasitic virus on DOS. There are 7 variants:
* Virus.DOS.Ambulance.793 (B, C and D)
* Virus.DOS.Ambulance.795
* Virus.DOS.Ambulance.796 (A, B and C)
- L'Ambulance est un véhicule d'urgence disponible dans chaque épisode de la série Grand Theft Auto (dans Grand Theft Auto 2, il est connu sous le nom de Medicar). Les ambulances se trouvent généralement à proximité des hôpitaux et peuvent être utilisées pour accomplir des missions annexe « Ambulance » qui permettent d'obtenir des bonus Santé et/ou la possiblité de courir sans se fatiguer.
- This is a disambiguation for all ambulances in the Just Cause game series.
- The invention of the ambulance is largely attributed to NWA, since they killed everyone who thought otherwise. Ice Cube killed a cop, stuffed a giant white cardboard box over his pickup truck, and ripped the lights off the cop car and put them on top of the box. He then stuffed the dead cops inside and pretended to be taking them to a hospital, which everyone believed. Humorously enough, this lie is believed by almost all of the population, who believe ambulances are actually used to transport to the wounded to medical facilities. NWA are rapping all the way to the bank.
- Categorie:Voertuig De Ambulance (Medicar genoemd in GTA 2) komt voor in elke gta uit de GTA Reeks. Ze staan meestal bij ziekenhuizen geparkeerd en kunnen worden gebruikt om de paramedic sub-missies te starten. Als de speler in een Ambulance stapt, wordt de health van hem gedeeltelijk herstelt. In GTA IV kan je 911 bellen om een Brute-ambulance te laten komen om je van health te voorzien.
- The Ambulance is an emergency vehicle that has appeared in every game in the series (except Grand Theft Auto 2, where there's a different vehicle named Medicar). It is manufactured by Brute in the HD Universe.
- Japanese: 救急車 (きゅうきゅうしゃ) If you need an ambulance, dial 119. The ambulance and the Fire Department can both be reached by dialing this number.
- In 1953, Benny Russell was placed in an ambulance outside the offices of the magazine Incredible Tales of Scientific Wonder. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars") In 2259 of an alternate timeline, an ambulance that was either an aircar or shuttle was parked at the Royal Children's Hospital. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
- Typically a transport unit, most ambulances are multi-purpose vehicles that carry medical personnel as well as equipment for a wide range of medical tasks.
- Morlocks Ape and Annalee stole an ambulance so they could get medical supplies for Leech, who was incredibly sick. It crashed into Rockefeller Center where they met up with Storm, Jubilee, and Logan. They grabbed as much supplies as they could and went off to help Leech.
- Ambulance is an Eddsworld short voiced and animated by Edd.
- De Brute Ambulance is de ziekenwagen in GTA. De wagen komt af op gewonden. Ter plaatse stappen er ziekenbroeders uit de ziekenwagen die de gewonden reanimeren. Vanaf GTA III t/m GTA Vice City Stories is het mogelijk om Paramedic-missies met een Ambulance te doen. Ook wordt vanaf GTA III de health, gedeeltelijk of geheel, hersteld zodra er in een Ambulance wordt gestapt.
- Built by: Owner: Capacity: Top speed: Height: Materials used: First appearance: Other appearances: The Ambulance was briefly seen in "One of Those Eds." It carried Jimmy to a hospital after he accidentally hurts himself with an eyelash curler while trying to unfix a coin from the pavement. As Kevin said, "Eyelashes ain't the only thing that thing curls!" However, the true nature of Jimmy's injury was unknown.
- Une ambulance est un véhicule servant au transport de malades et blessés. De tels véhicules étaient utilisée sur Terre au 20ème-21ème siècles.
- One took Homer to hospital after failing to skateboard over the Springfield Gorge. This then crashed into a tree and was left there for some time, seen again during the events of Trappuccino. Homer briefly owned his own ambulance.
- The Landrock Motors Ambulance is an emergency vehicle that appears in Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2.
- The Ambulance är sjukvården i Liberty Citys utryckningsfordon. Ambulansen är vit och röd och sirenerna är likt the Police Cruisers sirener, rödvita. Ambulansen finns att hitta utanför de flesta sjukhus.thumb|250px
- An ambulance is a vehicle designed for use in transporting patients, either from hospital to hospital or from the site of an injury or medical emergency to an emergency room. Once merely designed for speed, they now contain a full stock of emergency medications and are staffed by paramedics who can provide basic first aid and treatment en route in order to stabilize the patient.
- thumb|Une Ambulance dans Saints Row: The Third L'Ambulance est un véhicule apparue dans Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV et Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (comme la Rambulance).
- . The Ambulance appears to be based off of the Hot Wheels ambulance from the 1980s. It has been used as a promotional model, being decorated by imprinting companies. It has had several different casting variations: opening rear doors, cast shut rear doors, and plastic patient compartment.
- Ambulances are absent in gta 2,they are replaced by Medicars,they spawn if you kill people,they arrive with doctors, and the doctors heal the killed people,and they attack you because you killed them See More
- As for a different scenario, even if you say "My dad's not breathing!" then don't let anyone do CPR on him and risk getting mano, because no one knows if your dad has mano or herpes or some other disease that you really don't want, so don't risk that. Just let it be. The ambulance doesn't need to be doing that either, because then they might be at risk for disease as well.
- An ambulance was a dedicated vehicle used to transport injured individuals to a hospital. Jennifer Buckingham drove a military ambulance during World War I. (TV: The War Games) The newly regenerated Third Doctor was put into an ambulance after he was kidnapped from his hospital room by agents of the Nestene Consciousness. However, he escaped by wheelchair before he could be driven away from Ashbridge Cottage Hospital. (TV: Spearhead from Space) Sarah Jane Smith was taken to hospital by ambulance after she and the Fourth Doctor were caught in a quarrying explosion. (TV: The Hand of Fear)
- Handling is just as good as the speed. As the ambulance is a large vehicle, it is quite hard to handle at top speed (which is still slow) and sharp turns. You'll need to be very careful with the handling because it is very annoying when you spin out of control. The damage is a whole new thing altogether. It is a very tough vehicle and it can take a lot more damage then just an ordinary car. This is definitely the best aspect of the vehicle. You can rely on the damage I think, because you can easily tell how much more damage the car can take just by looking at it.
- This article is featured in GTA WikiThe Ambulance is an emergency vehicle that has appeared in every game in the series, except Grand Theft Auto 2, where it is known as the Medicar. Ambulances are usually found near hospitals and, in Grand Theft Auto III-era games, can be used to start the paramedic sub-mission.OverviewThe vehicle is invariably a van or truck-based emergency vehicle featuring red and white lights and sirens and a matching paint scheme. Throughout the series the siren sound has varied slightly, as has the design of the vehicle itself. If the player decides to go on a killing spree and many pedestrians are killed, an ambulance will arrive and two paramedics will get out and attempt to revive the wounded. Typically if paramedics are killed it creates more police attention tha
- The Ambulance service in Mainframe services the city by running to help during any accident and the seen of any finished Game, regardless if it is won or lost. An Ambulance was seen when a Game was lost because Bob was unable to enter the Cube before it landed. Megabyte had requested that Bob do a favor for him, but Bob had refused. When the Game Cube began to land, Megabyte had his troops keep Bob from entering the Game. As a result he couldn’t help the people trapped inside and the Game was lost. The Ambulance arrived at the nullified sector and searched for any injured survivors. As usual, all that could be found were nulls. (The Tearing)