| - Races of Stone is a supplement for the 3rd edition of Dungeons & Dragons, and released in 2004.
- «Races of Stone» (англ. «Расы камня») — дополнение по системе D&D 3.5, посвящённое развёрнутому описанию горных и подземных жителей из числа доступных для персонажей игроков видов. Книга дает более полное описание двух рас из PHB — дварфов и гномов — и вводит новую игровую расу голиафов.
- Races of Stone (ISBN 0-7869-3278-3) is a Splatbook that focuses on Dwarfes, Gnomes, and the new race, golaiths. It has many new features for the game, but the meat of the book is in the feats section. Blade Bravo A gnome version of dualist, its 10th level ability is great, but the rest of the class is just so so. Cragtop Archer The quintessential sniper class. Deepwarden A char-op classic, 2nd level gives you con to ac, full BAB, d12 hd, 6+skills. Great class even without optimization. Divine Prankster Full caster progression with nice skills. It's 10th level ability is nice, but by then you'll have better spells. Runesmith At first it looks like just another armored PRC, but then you realize that ONE level duplicated 10 levels of spellsword. Removing arcane spell failure all together. Sha