| - Sehanine is an unaligned deity in the core pantheon. She was introduced in the Player's Handbook. Sehanine is sometimes known as the Moonbow[Dr386:68] or as Sehanine Moonbow.[MotP:90]
- Sehanine is a player character in the Mortal Gods setting. She will eventually become the godess of the Moon, Love, and Stealth. As of the beginning of the campaign, she is a 1st-level human rogue. Sehanine has a reputation for having a sympathetic ear. She is especially known for her sympathy to the emotional and romantic woes of Erathis and Pelor. This doesn't stop her from playing many, many good-natured practical jokes on them. (Especially in efforts to bring them together...) She is a very good friend of Corellon, and has a very poorly hidden attraction to Melora. These are her stats as of the beginning of the campaign: Sehanine Rogue 1 (Artful Dodger) Human Female STR: 10 (+0) CON: 12 (+1) DEX: 16 (+3) INT: 11 (+0) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 15 (+2, racial bonus) HP: 24 (12 + 12 Con) Bloodied @: 12 Healing Surges: 7 (6 + 1 Con), heals 6 AC: 16 (+2 leather, +3 Dex, +1 Human), 18 vs. AoO's (+2 Cha) Fort: 12 (+1 Con, +1 Human) Ref: 16 (+2 rogue, +3 Dex, +1 Human) Will: 13 (+2 Cha, +1 Human) First Strike. Artful Dodger. Rouge Weapon Talent. Sneak Attack (bonus: 2d6). Feats: Human Perserverance, Press the Advantage. Base Attack: Dagger - +7 to hit AC (+3 Dex, +3 Proficiency, +1 Rogue), 1d4+3 damage (+3 Dex), Range 5/10 Deft Strike, Pericing Strike, Sly Flourish at will. Positioning Strike each encounter. Trick Strike each day. Trained in Acrobatics, Bluff, Insight, Perception, Theivery, Stealth.