| - The premise of the series begins when Vaarsuvius, instead of escaping from Xykon with O-Chul, gets captured and starts to fall in love with Redcloak while he tries to interrogate him/her. After that, it got worse, and everything bad that could possibly happen to Redcloak, Vaarsuvius, Tiasal, their daughter, and everyone else involved, happens. Has a WMG page.
| - The premise of the series begins when Vaarsuvius, instead of escaping from Xykon with O-Chul, gets captured and starts to fall in love with Redcloak while he tries to interrogate him/her. After that, it got worse, and everything bad that could possibly happen to Redcloak, Vaarsuvius, Tiasal, their daughter, and everyone else involved, happens. (And apparently, another story the author wrote, a Mijung/the-goblin-who-first-fell-into-the-Snarl-and-thus-brought-the-Dark-One's-attention-to-it (otherwise known as Yutrin) story has been confirmed to be canon. This means that any of the separate stories on this old diagram could be canon.) Interestingly enough, the series has a lot of Mood Whiplash if you read the separate endings. The Tiasal Ending is very light and fluffy while the Deirdre Ending makes the readers want to kill themselves. Your Mileage May Vary, of course. The Downer Ending provides an interesting character study of a broken mind (and the Cuties she's tearing apart) while the happy ending makes you feel good. Has a WMG page.