Lulu: Focus on the fight! Wakka: No worries! —Requires Lulu and Wakka present at the beginning of battle in Besaid and Kilika. Everyone, look sharp! —At road from Djose to Moonflow. Everyone, focus on the enemy. —At Macalania. Lulu: You sure this is the way? Rikku: Yeah! I...think. —Requires Lulu and Rikku present at the beginning of battle in Sanubia Desert. Failure is not an option. —In Via Purifico. I will not fail this time. —At the Calm Lands and Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. The mountain itself is the trial. —At Mt. Gagazet.
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| - Lulu: Focus on the fight! Wakka: No worries! —Requires Lulu and Wakka present at the beginning of battle in Besaid and Kilika. Everyone, look sharp! —At road from Djose to Moonflow. Everyone, focus on the enemy. —At Macalania. Lulu: You sure this is the way? Rikku: Yeah! I...think. —Requires Lulu and Rikku present at the beginning of battle in Sanubia Desert. Failure is not an option. —In Via Purifico. I will not fail this time. —At the Calm Lands and Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. The mountain itself is the trial. —At Mt. Gagazet.
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| - Lulu: Focus on the fight! Wakka: No worries! —Requires Lulu and Wakka present at the beginning of battle in Besaid and Kilika. Everyone, look sharp! —At road from Djose to Moonflow. Everyone, focus on the enemy. —At Macalania. Lulu: You sure this is the way? Rikku: Yeah! I...think. —Requires Lulu and Rikku present at the beginning of battle in Sanubia Desert. Failure is not an option. —In Via Purifico. I will not fail this time. —At the Calm Lands and Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Lulu: How much more can we take? Yuna: My father also fought here. Wakka: May he give us strength to fight! —Requires Lulu, Yuna and Wakka present at the beginning of battle in the Calm Lands. The mountain itself is the trial. —At Mt. Gagazet. Lulu: So, who wants to go first? Rikku: I got your back, Lulu. —Requires Lulu and Rikku present at the beginning of battle when facing Chimera during Butterfly hunt.