| - Cthugha ist ein Mitglied der Großen Alten aus dem von H.P. Lovecraft geschaffenen Cthulhu-Mythos.
- Cthugha is a fictional deity created by August Derleth. He resembles a large fireball and is served by the Flame Creatures of Cthugha. He has at least one son, Aphoom-Zhah, but it is rumored that the fire vampire Fthaggua may be his son too. In Derleth's version Cthugha is a Great Old One, an elemental spirit of fire opposed to the Elder Gods.
- Cthugha is a fictional deity in the Cthulhu Mythos genre of horror fiction, the creation of August Derleth. He first appeared in Derleth's short story "The House on Curwen Street" (1944). Cthugha resembles a giant ball of fire. He is served by the Flame Creatures of Cthugha. Fthaggua, regent of the fire vampires, may be his progeny. He has at least one other known progeny, the being known as Aphoom Zhah. In author August Derleth's version of the Cthulhu Mythos, Cthugha is one of the Great Old Ones, and he is also an elemental spirit of fire opposed to the Elder Gods who are enemies of both the Great Old Ones and the Outer Gods.
- Cthugha resembles a giant ball of fire. He is served by the Flame Creatures of Cthugha. Fthaggua, regent of the fire vampires, may be his progeny. He has at least one other known progeny, the being known as Aphoom Zhah. In author August Derleth's version of the Cthulhu Mythos, Cthugha is one of the Great Old Ones, and he is also an elemental spirit of fire opposed to the Elder Gods who are enemies of both the Great Old Ones and the Outer Gods.
- Tall and gaunt, Cthugha stands shoulders back, chin up. A black mark curls from chin to scalp contrasting against his bone white skin, dedicating his flesh as a Priest of Xotli to the roiling dark mass.
- Cthugha only appears in Elona+ and is in fact the highest level base creature to date. It appears as a floating red flame, and, just like gold bells and silver bells, they are easily distinguished by a shining effect overlaid on them. They are unique among yiths in that not only do they not have the Eye of Insanity special action, they also spawn neutral to you, attacking creatures hostile to you if you don't provoke them. Still, if you see one, be careful, as they're still VERY dangerous! Cthughas float and are immune to Fear.