| - Tommy : "I think he's hungry." Lil : "I think he's cold 'cause he doesn't gots no furs." Phil : "Nah, he's scared. I've seen Chuckie squawk like that lots of times." Tommy: "Oh, I miss Chuckie, I wish he was here instead of at his Grandma's and Grandpa's." Lil: "Maybe he likes being at his Grandma's and Grandpa's." Tommy: "Oh yeah, then..I wish he was there." Phil: "I thought he was there," Lil: "Oh no! Look!" Tommy: "He's coming this way. Come on!" Tommy: "The baby bird, I gots to go back!" Lil: "No, Tommy, the big shoes will squish you." Tommy: "I can make it." Lil: "You saved him!" Phil: "Good going Tommy!" Tommy: "Look his brother and sister!" Didi: "Tommy, oh, poor baby, did that mean thorny bush scratch you? Don't worry schnookums, mommy knew this day would come. Mommy will fix it. Now this will sting a little." Didi: "Now we'll just put one of these on to keep your cut all nice and clean. All better, what a brave boy." Lil: "So that's why your mommy was hugging and kissing you extra lots." Phil: "Cause you got a boo boo?" Tommy: "Not a regular boo boo. Stuff came out of my finger." Lil: "Was it spit?" Tommy: "No, it was red and sticky." Phil: "Is there more red stuff in there?" Tommy: "Yeah, but it can't come out no more, cause of my sticky thing. See? It's from my mommy's first grade kit. It's like when I had my rooster shot only this one has Reptar on it." Phil: Reptar! Let me see!" Lil: "Can I try it on?" Tommy: "No! If you take it off, the red stuff will come out, and I'll shrivel up." Phil: "Then I'll just get my own Reptar sticky! Here poke me with this." Lil: "I'm not going to do that Phillip. It was my idea, you poke me first." Tommy: "You guys! Listen to me, it's no fun to be cutted. First it hurts, then you get sprayed with stingy stuff, and it hurts even more and then.." Betty : "How about we stop for ice cream?" Phil: "We get ice cream! This cutted thing keeps getting better and better!" Lil: "I need a sticky here Phillip." Phil: "I think you need two stickys and six for me!" Lil: "But my pretend boo boo is bigger than yours." Phil: "I'm apposed to be the doctor. I get to side who's boo boo is bigger." Phil: "Here Tommy, for your pretend boo boo." Tommy: "I don't wanna play." Lil: "Why not Tommy?" Angelica : "Because he's got a real boo boo you dumb babies. Oh Tommy, I just heard about your cut and I was so worried about you." Tommy: "You were?" Angelica: "Sure Tommy, only us kids that got cutted know what an awful sperience it is. When it happened to me..but you probably don't want to hear about that." Lil: "We do, we do!" Phil: "Yeah, tell us, go ahead!" Angelica: "Well there I was minding my own busy-ness. Playing on mommy's stair climbing machine." Tommy: "I thought you weren't apposed to play on the stair climbing machine." Angelica: "Was it my fault that I fell off the stupid thing, and cutter my knee, and lots of blood came out?!" Tommy: "Blood?" Angelica: "Well it sure wasn't tomater soup!" Tommy: "Was there...lots of it?" Angelica: "Oh yes! It got all over mommy's dress I was accidentally wearing. They had to wrap me up like a mummy to keep all my blood in, and then they took me to the hospital so I wouldn't get an inflection." Tommy: "What's that?" Angelica : "It's when germ bugs fly in and swim around in your blood, and pretty soon you get tangerine." Tommy: "Tangerine! Oh that sounds bad." Angelica : "Oh it is, you turn all orange and your legs fall off! Of course I didn't get tangerine cause I had stitches." Tommy: "What's that?" Angelica: "Like when aunt Didi sewed your teddy bear after Spike ripped it's head off and all the stuffing fell out." Tommy: "They sewed you up with a sewing machine?!" Angelica: "No silly, I was too big. Uh you could probably still fit though." Tommy: "Me!" Angelica: "Oh no Tommy don't worry, not for this liddle boo boo. I mean for..next time!" Phil and Lil: "Come on Tommy come out and play." Angelica: " Can we get a sewing machine out here?' Lil: "Hurry Phillip, there's lots of sick dollies out there." Tommy: "Hi guys, whatcha playing?" Phil: "Ambulance. Want to be the driver?" Tommy: "Um..ok." Tommy: "I'll be ok, i'll be ok." Didi: "I'm kind of busy today Angelica. Are you sure you need me to sew Cynthia's dress right now?" Angelica: "Oh yes Aunt Didi, Cynthia needs to wear it to a ball so she can meet Prince Chairman, and live happily ever after." Didi: "Oh well,if it's for romance." Stu: " I know what he needs, some fresh air. Come on champ lets go to the park." Phil: "Wanna slide Tommy?" Tommy: "Uh no thanks guys, i'm just going to look at my book." Stu: "Good boy," Lil: "Tommy, Spike's getting away!" Phil: " And he's going to get squishered!" Lil: "It's worser than the big shoes!" Phil: "What should we do Tommy?" Tommy: "Uh..I..um..I don't know." Lil: "Poor Spikey, I can't look!" Phil: "Me either," Phil: " Wow, you didn't even save your own dog Lil: "Maybe he's sick," Phil: " Let's go play on the jungle gym before he throws up." Stu: "He wouldn't play at all, I couldn't even get him to swing. You think he's coming down with something?" Didi: "Hmmm.. Feels normal." Stu: "Hey! You think he misses Chuckie?" Didi: "Stu thats it! Oh poor Tommy, hmmm it's a good thing Chuckie comes home tomorrow. I thought they put more of these in a box." Chuckie : " And, and I didn't even mind when Grandma squished me and when she hugged me cause we had lots of treats and my grandma got me this." Phil and Lil: " Wow!" Chuckie: "I can't wait to show Tommy." Phil: "I don't know, Tommy's been acting kind of funny." Chuckie: "What do you mean?" Phil: "Ssh, here he is." Chuckie: "Hi Tommy!' Tommy: "Hi Chuckie, boy i'm glad your back. I got lots of stuff to tell you about." Chuckie: "Me too Tommy. I saw all kinds of neat stuff and, and my grandma got me this pinwheel. Look!" Tommy: "Chuckie!" Chuckie: "Tommy!" Tommy: " Chuckie!" Chuckie: "Tommy you saved my life. Tommy you gots a boo boo!" Tommy: "It was worth it Chuckie even if all my blood comes out, and I shrivel up or get an inflection." Chuckie: "Why would that happen Tommy?" Tommy: "Cause i gots this boo boo when you were at your grandma and grandpa's house, and now I gots this one." Chuckie: "Tommy listen, I had a boo boo just like that once. Let me show you something." Tommy: "Ow! Why did you do that? Now the blood's going to come out!" Chuckie: "No it wont. See? This one's almost gone." Tommy: "Then, then this one's going to be ok too!" Tommy: "Look guys its a mirable, my cuts gone!" Phil and Lil: " A mirable!" Lil: "Wait didn't we have pretend boo boos?" Didi: "Oh no Tommy's got another cut." Stu: "I wonder why he's not crying." Didi: "Now let's not alarm him. Hey snookums, can mommy see your finger?" Stu: "Good thing we have that fancy first aid kit."