| - This is a page to report findings about the far past (For the moment, it's more like a data dump, to be formatted later) - Calendar generator The original motive for the search was to be able to date by Item ID, although it soon became much more
- "Ancient History" is the fifth episode of season two of Elementary. It first aired on CBS on 24 October, 2013.
- Morgan Bateson confronts Montgomery Scott.
- Macquarie's Ancient History department is perhaps the most broad ranging and active amongst all Australian Universities. It specialises in Egyptology, Roman and Greek history, Classics, New Testament studies, ancient languages and more. The department is also the hub for a range of extracurricular organisations including numismatical, papyrological and epigraphical studies. The department also maintains an ever increasing museum, whose artefacts are as varying as human history.
- The Ancient Files - chcecie się dowiedzieć, co Shadowrun ma wspólnego z Earthdawnem? Ancient History jest ekspertem. Na jego stronie dowiecie się, skąd się wzięły smoki i że IE to nie zawsze Internet Explorer :) .
* Aztlan annotated
* Matryca
* Krach 2029
* Nieśmiertelni
- Ancient History is the twenty-fourth episode of Power Rangers RPM. This episode marks the first appearance of the PaleoMax Megazord
- "Ancient History" is the 11th episode of the third season of Justice League Unlimited, and the 37th of the overall series. It originally aired on April 29, 2006.
- Ancient History is a side quest in the Warden's Keep DLC for Dragon Age: Origins. The Warden has followed Levi Dryden to Soldier's Peak. There they find information about Asturian, the Commander of the Grey who oversaw the construction of the fortress. This leads them to a powerful sword he hid centuries before. Note: This quest must be completed before leaving Soldier's Peak after finishing the main quest. You will not be able to re-enter the fortress unless you missed Clue #1
- In the beginning, there were the creatures of light and darkness, and they were without form in the void. Yet they took such forms as pleased them, when they came into our cosmos. In those days, eons before our time, there were others in our Galaxy and beyond --- the Old Galactics and the species they had nurtured. They were all material beings, and they lived for material ends. “Why not be composed of atoms and molecules?” they asked, and they made it so. Thus ended the Second Ancient Years, which came before the First Ancient Years but were lost to all knowledge of those who came after.
- We start off in the Swiss Alps. We see some miners working when, suddenly, Skullmen troopers in Snow gear attack! They quickly subdue the miners and take them hostage but, unknown to the Skullmen, there is one of the miner’s son taking video! The Miners are loaded onto a helicopter, while being told by an older man in a trenchcoat, and a butler style hat with an English accent, that if they cooperate, no one would be hurt! Who is this man that is leading the Skullmen? Outside, Action Man sets up a few traps for the Skullmen, taking them out and burying them in snow.
- Nota Bene: This page is primarily for postings in Ancient History. Some postings also appear in the Medieval History section of the European History page since several searches seek either a Medievalist or an Ancient Historian -- or that elusive person with specializations in both fields.[1]
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- A.D. - After DominionD.D. - During Dominion Virtually no records remain from this vast stretch of Anduruna history. It is one of the great contemporary mysteries, and a source of much conjecture. What happened during this period to result in such a hiatus of knowledge? Were records kept, but later destroyed? Was there a ban placed on the act of writing? But, returning to the Anduruna of 0 A.D. - before any of these rich developments. Not segregated by choice, the citizens of Anduruna stepped into history divided from one another by cold walls of stone.
- Ancient history is the study of signifcant cultural and political events from the beginning of human history until the early Middle Ages. Although the ending date is largely arbitrary, most Western scholars use the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD as the traditional end of ancient history. Another term that is often used to refer to ancient history is antiquity, although this term is most often used to refer specifically to the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, both of which were predated by ancient Near Eastern cultures.