| - Earth Defense Force 2017 (AKA: Earth Defense Force 3, Chikyu Boeigun 3) is the 3rd installment of the and is the first in the series to be released in North America. The game features 171 weapons, 4 vehicles, and 53 levels. The player takes control of a soldier known only as Storm 1, the best of the best in the Earth Defence Force, as he fights to defend Japan from the Ravager invasion. This was the first and thus far only installment of the game to not initially be released on a Sony console. It was released on the Xbox 360 on December 14, 2006 in Japan; March 20, 2007 in North America; and March 30, 2007 in Europe; and rereleased on the PlayStation Vita on September 27, 2012 in Japan; January 8, 2013 in North America; and January 16, 2013 in Europe. It appears to be a remake of Monster Attack as it is based in the "great war" of 2017, reuses sound affects from the menu and enemies,it also has versus mode and split screen just like Monster Attack and it also has 5 difficulties. Levels in both games are similar, the dinosaur boss stage, the robots coming from out at sea and being on a beach and being attacked by red ants for the first time, both happen on 2017 and Monster Attack. It was announced in fall of 2012, first on Twitter and then on Facebook, that the game would be ported to the PlayStation Vita under the title Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable to be released in North America. This version includes the Pale Wing character, 7 new levels, and a number of "Titania" weapons that would later turn up with different names in Earth Defense Force 2025's Fencer class.
- Earth Defense Force 2017 is a third-person shooter developed D3Publisher and released on the Xbox 360 as a budget title. The events of the game see you assume the role of a soldier known only as Storm-1, a member of Storm Team in the title Earth Defense Force, in order to fend off an invading extraterrestrial army. Said army happens to consist of giant ants, giant spiders, UFOs, gunships, several flavours of titanic robot, some Godzilla-sized monsters and a mothership powerful enough to kill you and everyone you've ever met. Good luck out there. The Spiritual Successor to this title -- Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon—is now available on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Steam. Not to be confused with the Jaleco Shoot'Em Up Earth Defense Force. This game provides examples of:
* Alien Invasion: It's what you're trying to stop.
* All Myths Are True: More like all Japanese B-Movies are true.
* Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: In the later levels some of the enemies are just upscaled versions of the regular enemies, also contains Kaiju.
* Art Evolution: The enemy Robots and Spaceships look much more like they were from early Japanese B-Movies of the 50's and 60's, also the "Saurus" enemy went from looking like Godzilla to looking like American GODZILLA when it changed its name to "Vallak".
* Awesome but Impractical: Many of the very powerful guns have severe drawbacks, such as obtrusively long reload times, or limited ammo. In particular, the ZE sentry gun series all take 20 seconds to reload, and you can only reload AFTER the deployed sentries have used up all their ammo and disappeared. The sniper rifles suffer from this too; they're powerful, but each shot can only kill one enemy at a time, and the only times you'll need concentrated firepower like that are against the boss monsters, and Walking Arms.
* Badass: Storm 1, the player character and a Heroic Mime. Just think about it. He almost single handedly repels and defeats an invasion of Earth by thousands upon thousands of alien beings and weapons more powerful and advanced than anything Earth had ever seen. These include hordes of giant, mutant ants and spiders, gigantic, plasma gun wielding robots, fleets of small airships, also with plasma guns, fleets of large carrier ships that deploy more giant ants and spiders, gigantic, fire breathing, part machine dinosaurs, two of said dinosaurs simultaneously, now with fire breath replaced with dual plasma cannons, a gigantic four-legged walking robot with an absurd amount of lasers, including one that it uses to decimate cities, and the alien mothership, which has even more lasers than the four-legged walker, deploys air ships, and has an even more powerful city decimating laser. He does all of this while being able to carry two weapons to the battlefield at a time, some armor, and the ability to roll. All of the other EDF soldiers are mostly useless and are nothing compared to him. There is a reason that Storm 1 alone is sent to destroy entire mutant bug nests and back up whole teams later in the game.
* Beneath the Earth: The insect hive missions.
* Big Creepy-Crawlies: The bug enemies.
* Blessed with Suck: One type of hand grenade, the MG13, is absurdly more powerful than previous models, and has a fantastic blast radius. The downside? It's so heavy, you can't throw it more than a few feet forward, and you're not immune to the explosions from your own weapons. There is one level where you can safely use it, though. This would be the underground area consisting of a large vertical passage with spiders milling about at the bottom. You start at the top, and from there you can safely throw down MG13's to blow the spiders to smithereens. This could count as a Disc One Nuke, because this tactic even works on Hard, and can get you some very powerful guns a little early.
* Can also be successfully used with a second player with explosives and sharp timing. You are immune to damage while knocked into the air by explosives. Throw the MG13, and, while it's in the air, get blasted aloft by an attack before it detonates and everything nearby dies. Oh, and you go flying, of course.
* Blind Idiot Translation: Certain parts of the game could be considered this, especially the dialogue in mission 14:
* Boring but Practical: The majority of the assault rifles, and to some extent the basic rocket launchers and grenade launchers. Although it's important to balance the two weapons you choose for each level, almost the entire game seems to want you to stick with an assault rifle and rocket or grenade launcher.
* Bug War: The majority of the time you'll be pitted against titanic ants and spiders. Granted, spiders aren't insects, but in this war they've chosen to side with the insects.
* Bullet Hell: A horde of bugs, giant robots, and flying alien ships with More Dakka shooting at you at once? Yeah, it has elements of this.
* Continuity Reboot: Earth Defense Force 2017disregards the continuity of the first two games and is itself more like a remake of the first game then a sequel to the second.
* Camp: It's a budget game where you play as a little guy who runs around blasting everything from giant bugs, giant robots, flying saucers, and Kaiju-style monsters. It might as well be called B-Movie: The Game.
* Disc One Final Boss: In Global Defense Force a little before midway through the game you fight the final boss of Monster Attack again and the game keeps treating this like it is the end with the mission briefings even telling you that it is the end. After two missions of "mop-up duty", the actual final boss a sky spanning flying city warps in and unleashes hell on you for the rest of the game.
* Everything Breaks: Not only does it all break, but you also get no penalty for blowing up buildings to get a better shot at your enemy.
* Fake Difficulty: The game has no auto-save. It's easy to forget this, which has led to a Cluster F-Bomb from many a gamer who just cleared a few tough stages on inferno as they instinctively hit the power button.
* Floating Continent : The final boss in Global Defense Force literally takes up most of the sky.
* Flying Saucer: The Enemy drop ships sort of resemble saucers with some sort of tail assembly.
* Friendly Fireproof:
* Half used. The Redshirt Army can't hurt you with their weapons (Which is good, because then they'd be nearly as dangerous as the ravagers.) but they can send you flying through the air for a few precious seconds with an ill-timed rocket. You can easily kill them though, so watch it with that shotgun.
* Averted in Local Co-op play. It is entirely possible to blow each other away by accident or on purpose.
* Giant Spider: Oh yes. Even if you're not an arachnophobe, you have to admit they're pretty damn ugly. Oh yeah, they can jump!.
* Harder Than Hard / Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: The game's five difficulty levels are Easy, Normal, Hard, Hardest, and Inferno.
* Heart Container: Armor pickups. You start with 100 maximum health, and each Armor item you get will increase it by 1, but only after you finish the level. It's necessary to beef up your health for each difficulty level, due to how much more damage enemies can deal to you.
* Horde of Alien Locusts: Pretty much the reason the aliens are attacking, also they use giant insects as troops.
* Humongous Mecha: Most of the series robotic enemies, especially in the third game with the "Walking Arms".
* Hyperspace Arsenal: Averted. For all the 150+ weapons you can unlock, you can only carry TWO at a time.
* Infinity+1 Sword: There are quite a few of these, mostly unlocked on Hardest or Inferno.
* Infinite Supplies: Despite the fact that you have to reload most of your weapons, you never run out of magazines. There are a few weapons which have limited ammo.
* Insectoid Aliens: Its not revealed whether the aliens are this or if they just have a thing for giant bugs as shock troops.
* It's Up to You
* Kaiju: Several of the non-robotic enemies in the games, in the first two games the "Saurus" enemies are giant fire breathing dinosaurs that even stand upright and move awkwardly like a man in a suit.
* Kaiju Defense Force: More or less the whole point of the game.
* Kill It with Fire: Flamethrowers are among the miscellaneous weapons you can unlock. Although the first model (which the game specifically notes as "a gas burner for welding") is horribly weak, there are later models which are viable for combat, especially against giant ants. They don't have much range and don't actually set enemies on fire, but the flames can deal very effective damage, and they can stun enemies which prevents them from attacking you.
* Macross Missile Massacre:
* The FORK missile launchers. These fire a spread of tiny high-speed homing missiles. However, the effect is somewhat lost since they usually home in on only one enemy at a time, and they don't fly around chaotically.
* Most enemy mech or spaceship attacks also consist of either this or Beam Spam.
* Mook Maker: The giant flying dropships, The Walking Fortess, and the Mother Ship.
* More Dakka:
* Nearly every type of enemy has a projectile attack except the red ants, but the greatest example would be the Walking Arms, massive bipedal robots that can use various types of arm guns. Some have plasma bombs or energy mortars which they can use to bombard you from a distance, but others come equipped with machine guns that can fire enough bullets to make the game lag. Of course, one specific endgame weapon gives you this trope as well; the AF20-RAR, which fires 60 rounds per second, and has a magazine holding 999 rounds.
* Some of the Rocket Launchers in the game follow this. The Vocano series launchers fire off their entire ammo stock in trigger pull versus the standard one at a time approach of the other rocket launchers.
* New Game+: Sort of. You already have access to all of the game's difficulty levels, but you have to unlock each stage by beating the one before it, regardless of what difficulty you play on. You keep all the weapons and armor you get, and can play each level as many times as you want.
* Nintendo Hard: Any difficulty other then Easy or Normal, especially if you have not gained armor or weapons by doing them in order.
* Not the Fall That Kills You: No matter how far you fall, you won't even sprain an ankle. You also have a surprisingly slow terminal velocity.
* No Export for You: This game is actually the third in the Chikyuu Boueigun series; the first two installments were on the Play Station 2 and never came out in America, although they were released in Europe as Monster Attack and Global Defense Force.
* Painfully-Slow Projectile:
* Taken to an extreme with the P89 Bound Gun, which fires bullets that move so slowly you can outrun and hit yourself with them.
* The aptly named Tortoise Guided Missile.
* Randomly Drops: This is how the Weapon items work. For each one you get, after finishing the level the game randomly picks a weapon out of all the weapons you can unlock on that stage of that difficulty level. If it's a weapon you don't have yet, it gets added to your selection. If you already have it, it doesn't count for anything.
* Redshirt Army: Moderately useful in some situations, seeing as they can absorb the brunt of the enemy's attack. Their survival rate is still absurdly low though. And at higher difficulties... Well... They're even all wearing red. Including Storm-1.
* Shout-Out: To many B-Movies, Them and Godzilla are most notable.
* Sorting Algorithm of Weapon Effectiveness: Played straight as an arrow. As you play through the game, you'll get better weapons in later levels. When you play on a higher difficulty level, you get even more powerful weapons. Each of the weapons has a minimum stage and difficulty level to be unlocked. For instance, if a weapon will only be unlocked at level 15 on Normal or later, you can unlock it on any level after and including 15 on Normal, and any level on Hard or higher. You can still get the Normal level weapons on Easy, though.
* There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Genocide gun. Inflicts 1.000.000 points of damage, more than enough to one-shot bosses, and enormous explosion radius, reducing about half the buildings on a city map to rubble.
* Video Game Cruelty Potential: Actively encouraged by the ridiculously stupid NPC allies. In any mode outside of Inferno, it's better that you kill your allies rather than letting them fire rockets at your back. It's especially fun since they never blame you for killing them. Obviously, it's the alien's fault when you drop a C20 in the middle of your allies and blow them into the stratosphere.
* Video Game Cruelty Punishment: ...then you realize that your allies don't deal friendly fire damage (they'll knock you into the air if they hit you with a rocket, but that's it), and every ant, spider, Walking Arms, and gunship on the map is now aiming for you, and only you.
* Unnecessary Combat Roll: Not only are you able to continue reloading your gun while rolling, but doing so repeatedly is almost twice as fast as running.
* Wave Motion Gun:
* The walking fortress (a humongous four-legged battle machine) has an allegedly 300-foot plasma cannon which can easily destroy an entire city with just a few shots. ("A plasma cannon that size can't possibly exist!!") The alien mothership also has an equally devastating laser gun.
* The player can earn one after beating all the levels on Inferno.
* Zerg Rush: The bug enemies standard tactic, the red ants in particular seem to specialize in this.